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I Only Bought It Because The Loan Company Really Pushed That Interest Rates Were Going To Go Down

It’ Friday desk clearing time for this blogger. “Even if the economy does turn sour, people getting mortgages today are in good financial shape, added Jacob Channel, senior economist at Lending Tree. ‘If you are getting approved for a loan right now, there’s a very, very good chance that your lender did a lot of due diligence to ensure you can actually afford that loan over the long term,’ he said. Channel noted that there might be a higher risk of foreclosure for some more recent homebuyers, but he thinks most of them will have no trouble keeping up with their payments. The banks made sure of that.”

“It’s called a ‘Zero Down Mortgage.’ Alex Elezaj, UWM’s Chief Strategy Officer, said the Zero Down Mortgage is an upfront loan that helps buyers buy a home. They are given the cash for a down payment, which they are eventually required to repay. The program has attracted thousands of home buyers since it started two weeks ago. Ken Bouthillier, a mortgage advisor with Cross Country Mortgage in Scottsdale, doesn’t think the ‘Zero Down Mortgage’ is anything buyers should be afraid of. Bouthillier insists that anyone worried that this kind of loan could lead to another housing crisis like in 2008 needs to remember that qualifying for a loan is much different than it was 16 years ago. ‘So much of the problem came from programs that didn’t verify income, didn’t verify assets, and we had a massive supply of inventory nationwide at the time that things went sideways,’ said Bouthillier. ‘Now, all the guidelines around income and job history are so strict compared to what they used to be that the zero down, really, on its surface, isn’t a problem.'”

“In San Mateo County, the median sales price was $2.15 million — down from its peak of $2.4 million in April 2022, but up 9.1% from April 2023, when the median price was $1.97 million. The combination of increased prices and high rates is hitting buyers especially hard. Unfortunately for buyers, they’re likely to stay that way — especially if interest rates come down, as some real estate agents predict, which could drive even more demand. ‘Buyers may as well get in now,’ said Connie Miller, a real estate agent based in Los Altos. ‘The prices are only going to get higher.'”

“Steven and Katherine Wolf missed out on the ultra-low mortgage rates of the pandemic. Rather than wait, the former renters jumped into home ownership in fall 2022. They also stretched, buying a Bakersfield home that carried an uncomfortable monthly payment. Steven Wolf figured the pain would be fleeting. Within a year rates rates would drop enough to allow them to refinance and put hundreds of dollars back into their pockets. That hasn’t happened and isn’t expected to soon. In fact, rates are higher. ‘We did this with the expectation that we would only have to weather this high payment for a chunk of time,’ the 37-year old English teacher said. ‘Now that chunk of time is looking like it might actually be permanent.'”

“As interest rates stay higher for longer, some Americans express varying degrees of regret as their finances buckle. A woman in Twinsburg, Ohio, said she’s taken a second job. A man in Oregon said putting money away for retirement is a ‘distant thought.’ Some said they’re now selling their home or will need to soon. Chelsea Bolinger purchased a house in Highland Ranch, Colorado. The 35-year-old tech worker called the experience ‘horrible.’ ‘I only bought it because the loan company really pushed that interest rates were going to go down,’ Bolinger said.”

“Going forward, the Wolfs are looking to move to Baltimore after they received better job offers there. Because their high monthly payment is more than they could rent their house out for, they’ve listed it for sale and don’t expect to get their down payment back. The other day, Wolf said he spoke with his loan officer who encouraged him to buy right away in Baltimore so they don’t get priced out and gave a new prediction for when rates would drop. He also offered to do their loan, according to Wolf.”

“In Kalispell, the median home price peaked in June 2022 at $647,500 and dropped to a low of $460,000 the following December; prices have since hovered around $550,000, according to Montana Regional MLS data. In Flathead County, the median price for townhouses and condos dropped 21%, falling from $535,000 in April 2023 to $422,500 in April of this year. ‘I don’t think it’s going to drop,’ said Wendy Brown, owner of Chuck Olson Real Estate in Kalispell. ‘I think people are thinking we have maxed out and property prices are going to start coming down, but you have a lot of buyers saying ‘let’s wait until prices come down.’ They are not coming down.’ When interest rates do begin to drop, however, Brown predicts that bidding wars will return. ‘The problem is when interest rates go down, all of the buyers will be competing,’ Brown said. ‘We will end up in a bidding war situation again. All the buyers that were holding back, they are all going to be looking to purchase at the same time again.'”

“On Florida’s southwest coast, more than a year and a half after Hurricane Ian, the fallout continues. Housing costs and insurance have spiked, prompting many to put their homes up for sale. The main reason for the cooling of the once-hot Cape Coral home market is mortgage interest rates. In recent months, sales have slowed in Cape Coral realtor Sam Yaffe says, ‘It is unusual. We do have several months’ worth of homes available.’ Sherry Oakes and her husband already pay $8,000 a year in insurance, costs that will go up if FEMA eliminates the flood discount. It’s one reason she thinks so many homes now are for sale. ‘I think a lot of people that are in the flood zone don’t want to pay these astronomical prices,’ she says.”

“A self-proclaimed millennial mogul from the Grand Strand and her business partner are at the center of a North Carolina Department of Justice investigation connected to several investment deals. ‘We were lied to by Jameian Selmon and Sharain Hemingway,’ said Jeanette Vasquez. Vasquez, Lezlie Briggs, Encantis Anderson and Latonia Greene all say this started with the promise of building generational wealth through investments in boats, vacation rentals, tiny homes, restaurants, and even a greenhouse farm. Latonia Greene said looking back on Selmon’s investment pitch made her feel infuriated. ‘She literally took everything I had,’ she said. ‘If I would’ve lost my job, I would’ve had no money whatsoever.'”

“Ernest P. Ricci, a 62-year-old North Kingstown contractor, brazenly fired off emails to federal investigators declaring them ‘Bozos’ too dumb to nab him for bankruptcy fraud. Then he pleaded guilty in November to attempting to defraud creditors out of about $2 million. In an appeal for leniency and home confinement instead of prison, Ricci blamed his crimes on him getting ‘way over my head’ in trying to save a Florida home from foreclosure, a property he said he and his wife, Brenda, intended to use in their retirement. (The government said he had made no mortgage payment on the property for more than five years.) Ricci said he had learned ‘the hard way’: his 34-year marriage was over, two of his three children would not speak to him and he had lost friendships.”

“In 2020, as a federal bankruptcy trustee pressed Ricci to turn over financial records from the couple’s business, Ricci responded: ‘Here’s my response. GO [expletive] YOURSELF Charlie. How’s that? … The party’s over [expletive] … Move on and admit you [expletive] with the wrong guy. ITS OVER!!! Lololol Ernie Ricci.'”

“Canada’s largest banks continue to set aside more money to cover bad loans as Canadians grapple with rising unemployment and elevated interest rates. Together, the lenders recorded $4.3 billion in provisions for credit losses (PCLs) in the second quarter, an increase from the $4.1 billion in the first quarter. ‘The consumer is getting pressured now,’ said Carl De Souza, senior vice president of North American financial institution ratings at Morningstar DBRS. ‘Particularly as their debts reprice at higher interest rates, and they get payment shocks.’ And the worst is yet to come: of all mortgages outstanding as of February 2024, 76 per cent will be coming up for renewal by the end of 2026, according to OSFI.”

“An Ontario builder is facing investigations from new home regulators after it moved some residents into a new condominium building before it obtained occupancy permits from City of Toronto building inspectors. ‘The whole thing is extremely frustrating,’ said Melanie Lima-Robeiro who was told by builder First Avenue Properties that she could take interim occupancy of her new-build condo apartment at 859 The Queensway, in Etobicoke on Sept. 28, 2023. She said the building was incomplete when she moved in and her unit was unfinished with elements such as glass doors for her showers and separations on the terrace balcony still missing.”

“‘They didn’t even paint my unit,’ said Ms. Lima-Robeiro, who was three-months pregnant at the time. ‘I had to pay $4,000 [in occupancy fees] regardless if you move in, so I thought I might as well move in. It’s not like I benefited: there were no amenities, dust was everywhere, the heat went off two or three times. I’m a first-time home buyer, this is all new to me and I didn’t know how to navigate the system.'”

“Young Aussies buying property are being left entirely broke by the process. Taylor Dodds, 25, recently posted TikTok a video of her and her partner eating dinner on the floor of their new house. The two sat together munching on kebabs, and there wasn’t a piece of furniture in sight. It might not look like it, but they bought their dream home. ‘POV. You bought your first home but spent all your money on a deposit,’ she wrote. Ms Dodds and her partner bought in NSW’s Newcastle but, like most first homebuyers at the moment, it cost every last dollar they had. ‘All savings are gone and used on the deposit,’ she told”

“So much of this stress comes from rising interest rates. Money expert Sarah Megginson said that, because property prices are soaring and wage growth isn’t keeping up, when people do manage to finally buy, they are often left financially strapped. ‘If you bought a home two years ago and your loan is around $600,000, which is the average national home loan size, you’re paying around $15,000 more per year for your mortgage repayments now than you were back then,’ Ms Megginson said. ‘You’re having to fork out a disproportionate amount of your income to pay off your home loan, and it’s not surprising that big banks are reporting an uptick in the number of people falling 90 days or more in repayments.'”

This Post Has 126 Comments
  1. HBB warning to readers: la times is globalist scum media that peddles conspiracy theories, election lies and mis, mal and dis-informations.

    1. “election lies”

      The 2020 election was stolen.

      You are living under an unelected, illegitimate, occupation regime. Every dollar of federal income taxes you pay is stolen from you. This regime has no legitimate authority to govern, and as a citizen and taxpayer, you have zero obligation to be subject to their illegitimate government.

      Your country, your future, your children’s future, is being stolen from you. What kind of America do you want to live in? And what are you gonna do about it?

  2. ‘all say this started with the promise of building generational wealth through investments in boats, vacation rentals, tiny homes, restaurants, and even a greenhouse farm. Latonia Greene said looking back on Selmon’s investment pitch made her feel infuriated. ‘She literally took everything I had,’ she said. ‘If I would’ve lost my job, I would’ve had no money whatsoever’

    This is some funny stuff in this article.

    1. I see that phrase all the time now “I wanted to build generational wealth…”

      What it really means is “I wanted a lottery ticket for big money without doing any work but I am not a greedy SOB as I was just thinking about unborn babies!”

      And, fyi, looks like all diversity single moms.

      1. “I wanted to build generational wealth…”

        Difficult to do when you’re, “living in the now!”

      2. single moms are already delusional regarding value, so they seem like easy pickings for a good con man.

        1. Single moms (most of them) were already easy pickings for a con man. That’s how they became single moms.

  3. ‘I don’t think it’s going to drop…I think people are thinking we have maxed out and property prices are going to start coming down, but you have a lot of buyers saying ‘let’s wait until prices come down.’ They are not coming down’

    It’s already sinking like a turd in a well Wendy.

    1. I suppose it’s hard to sell a house if buyers believe the price will soon fall. No wonder relitters work so hard to convince everyone that real estate always goes up, and to forget about the times it goes down.

    2. “Buyers may as well get in now,’ said Connie Miller, a real estate agent based in Los Altos. ‘The prices are only going to get higher.’”

      Yeah, never mind if you qualify or not or even have any business considering buying a home just get in! Don’t let that FOMO die!

      Here’s the thing you morons, you’ve ran out of “buyers”. And you just haven’t figured out yet that the only thing that’s going to save your job in the long run is a good old fashioned crash.

  4. ‘Going forward, the Wolfs are looking to move to Baltimore after they received better job offers there. Because their high monthly payment is more than they could rent their house out for, they’ve listed it for sale and don’t expect to get their down payment back. The other day, Wolf said he spoke with his loan officer who encouraged him to buy right away in Baltimore so they don’t get priced out and gave a new prediction for when rates would drop. He also offered to do their loan’

    Trust the loan officer Steve. They all have days upon days of experience and meet rigorous continuing education requirements. And don’t sell yer money losing Bakersfield shack either- keep it, you’ll be a double winnah!

    1. “They all have days upon days of experience and meet rigorous continuing education requirements”

      😂😂….i spent some time as a loan originator so I get the humor.

    2. From Bakersfield to Baltimore.

      From bad to worse.

      These are not the brightest bulbs in the bunch. Didn’t the article say they were school teachers?

      1. “…received better job offers there.”

        Better pay, not working conditions. Schitthole 101.

    3. Here’s another example from the same article:
      Amy Ramirez is among the many Americans who say they have no regrets.

      She and her wife Noelle bought a …turnkey, four bedroom house with a swimming pool and mountain view… in Rancho Cucamonga in March, can comfortably afford it and love the additional space compared to the property they sold in Los Angeles.

      “It is just great,” said Ramirez, who along with Noelle runs a s’mores shop in West Covina.

      They run a s’mores shop?? Is that like a pirate store or a candle-pouring store? Seriously, I’m going to guess that somebody’s dead daddy had bought the house in LA in the 60s and they spent the equity on the new house. Either that, or they’re selling “special” s’mores. Watch those property taxes, girls!

  5. and lots of skinless chicken breasts are a must for losing weight…but then you add all sorts of hot sauces and spices This place is expense but you need so little, Nasal Napalm horseradish is unbelievable hot.

    The fire, which began around 6:30 p.m. along Highway 37, quickly escalated into a 5-alarm fire, requiring the intervention of at least 20 different fire departments from surrounding areas,

  6. ‘anyone worried that this kind of loan could lead to another housing crisis like in 2008 needs to remember that qualifying for a loan is much different than it was 16 years ago. ‘So much of the problem came from programs that didn’t verify income, didn’t verify assets, and we had a massive supply of inventory nationwide at the time that things went sideways,’ said Bouthillier. ‘Now, all the guidelines around income and job history are so strict compared to what they used to be that the zero down, really, on its surface, isn’t a problem’


    1. What about loan programs that allowed people to buy homes with no skin in the game, making it very easy to walk away in case prices went south?

      Are there any of these programs still around these daze?

  7. ‘The main reason for the cooling of the once-hot Cape Coral home market is mortgage interest rates. In recent months, sales have slowed in Cape Coral realtor Sam Yaffe says, ‘It is unusual. We do have several months’ worth of homes available’

    That may be Sam, but yer sh$thole is still a red hotcakes sellers market!

    ‘Sherry Oakes and her husband already pay $8,000 a year in insurance, costs that will go up if FEMA eliminates the flood discount. It’s one reason she thinks so many homes now are for sale. ‘I think a lot of people that are in the flood zone don’t want to pay these astronomical prices’

    That could be a problem for would be movers like yerself Sherry.

    1. $8000? I pay twice that…for renting my 3/2.

      I wonder what the mortgage, taxes, and upkeep add to that $8K. 🤔

  8. ‘Young Aussies buying property are being left entirely broke by the process. Taylor Dodds, 25, recently posted TikTok a video of her and her partner eating dinner on the floor of their new house. The two sat together munching on kebabs, and there wasn’t a piece of furniture in sight. It might not look like it, but they bought their dream home. ‘POV. You bought your first home but spent all your money on a deposit,’ she wrote. Ms Dodds and her partner bought in NSW’s Newcastle but, like most first homebuyers at the moment, it cost every last dollar they had. ‘All savings are gone and used on the deposit’

    Yer busted with yer own video Taylor: stuffing yer faces with expensive kebabs like pigs. You can’t eat and be a winnah!

    1. All that, 25 and no ring on the finger. Wonder what happens when the stress kick in?

    2. I remember LOTS of people being totally house poor in 2008. Big empty houses with not even college kid furniture because they took every dime to buy the property (that they couldn’t afford).

      Good thing nothing like that could happen again.

  9. ‘In 2020, as a federal bankruptcy trustee pressed Ricci to turn over financial records from the couple’s business, Ricci responded: ‘Here’s my response. GO [expletive] YOURSELF Charlie. How’s that? … The party’s over [expletive] … Move on and admit you [expletive] with the wrong guy. ITS OVER!!! Lololol Ernie Ricci’

    You told him Ernie!

    1. And Canada will have an influx of pointy headed libs, moving in this winter ,maybe they’ll bring sacks of $$$ along to save their housing market ?

      1. They always threaten to move there, but they never do. If anything, there will be an exodus out of Trudeauland.

    2 minute read
    BRICS: China Dumped $48.9 Billion in US Treasuries in Quarter 1
    Vinod Dsouza
    May 29, 2024
    us dollar chinese yuan currency brics usd
    Source: iStock

    BRICS member China is on a US treasuries and agency bonds dumping spree and offloaded billions worth of assets. The latest data from the US Treasury Department shows that China has trimmed its holdings from $816.3 billion in December to $767.4 billion in March this year. That’s a reduction of $48.9 billion during just the first quarter of 2024.

    In addition, BRICS member China has sold another $25.1 billion during the Q2 of 2024. In total, China has offloaded $72 billion worth of US treasuries and agency bonds in the last seven months alone. Reports suggest that China is diversifying its assets and purchasing tonnes of gold to its central bank reserves.

    The World Gold Council reported that China and other BRICS countries have been the largest buyers of gold since late 2022. The gold accumulation began when BRICS kick-started the de-dollarization agenda to challenge the US dollar’s global supremacy. If other developing countries start following the BRICS agenda and dump treasuries, the US economy will be the hardest hit.

      1. The Fed intervening in the debt market to buy debt issued by the Treasury is going to be massively inflationary. No sane investors are going to “invest” in the debt of a corrupt banana republic headed down the road to ruin. FJB.

    1. Markets
      Stocks fall with bond yields after US economic data
      By Sinéad Carew
      May 30, 20242:05 PM PDTUpdated 17 hours ago
      Item 1 of 2 Traders work on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York City, U.S., April 29, 2024. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File

      NEW YORK/ LONDON, May 30 (Reuters) – MSCI’s global equities gauge fell on Thursday and bond yields dropped with the U.S. dollar as investors analysed weaker than expected U.S. growth data and Federal Reserve comments for clues on the outlook for interest rates and the economy.

      The U.S. economy grew more slowly than expected in the first quarter after downward revisions to consumer spending, according to a Commerce Department report which showed gross domestic product growing at an annualized rate of 1.3% versus advance estimates of 1.6%.

      The U.S. dollar index lost ground following the data after rising to a two-week high the previous day, while Thursday’s decline in U.S. Treasury yields followed two straight days of gains driven by weak government debt auctions.

      “The initial reaction was that the Fed is more likely to cut rates now than before because a cooling in the economy and consumption might mean slightly less inflation,” said Chris Zaccarelli, chief investment officer for Independent Advisor Alliance. But he sees the outlook for rates as only one factor.

      “It’s possible you’ve got a little bit of a push and pull where there’s stock market investors looking for a rate cut, which could potentially put prices higher,” he said. “But there’s also fundamental investors looking at a slowing economy and corporate profits start to slow as more of a negative than a positive for the stock market.”

  11. The Republicans running to represent Colorado’s 4th Congressional District on Thursday broadly expressed willingness to support presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s plans for mass deportations of America’s 11 million undocumented immigrants.

    Running against Boebert in the 4th District GOP primary are former state Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg, a 16-year statehouse veteran who has been endorsed by many Republican insiders; state Rep. Richard Holtorf of Akron; state Rep. Mike Lynch of Wellington; Deborah Flora, a conservative talk radio host; and Peter Yu, a finance and mortgage consultant.

    “When it comes right down to it, (the) mass deportation that I’m talking about is shipping the ones that have been bused into Denver, busing them back out,” said Sonnenberg. “Absolutely, I would use the police, I would use the National Guard.”

    1. Build the wall, deport them ALL.

      You live in a country where illegal criminal invaders have more rights than citizens and taxpayers.

      You are being replaced. And the people advocating your replacement all have names and addresses.

      Names, did you say? Names. They have names, and when you read a list of those names, you understand that it’s not a coincidence…

      1. Well, we’re all going to “replaced,” eventually. Especially those who voluntarily snipped so that there are no blood kin to replace them.

        However, I would rather not be replaced while I’m alive, i.e. get my stuff taken. I saw a snippet on X where a kind British family took in a Muslim “refugee.” He pulls a knife on them and says “This is my house now.” Yeah, luckily I live in a country with castle doctrine.

  12. When Tesla’s Cybertruck was first announced in 2019 it was hyped as a peek at the future of transportation. But six months after finally being launched, the vehicle has turned into little more than a punchline. And countless videos have gone viral showing the Cybertruck in some pretty embarrassing situations.

    Cybertrucks are getting stuck on sandy beaches, they’re getting bricked in car washes, and they’re struggling to cross rivers, as one unnamed driver in a viral video learned recently. And all of those failures are child’s play compared to the people who’ve tried to test the safety of their Cybertruck doors with human fingers.

    Speaking of fingers, Cybertruck owners are also frequently getting middle fingers directed their way, with young people, in particular, sharing their disgust with this idiotic monstrosity that swarms our public roads. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, for his part, still retweets praise of the Cybertruck as if his life depended on it.

    Almost 4,000 Cybertrucks were recalled last month over an accelerator design defect that could cause the pedal to get stuck, and social media platforms have plenty of Cybertruck owners expressing buyer’s remorse. Some people have even canceled orders out of frustration, according to several posts on Reddit, and yet somehow Tesla forums are still filled with people who are trying to convince themselves they look cool in their stainless steel dunce caps.

    We’ve got a small sample of the photos and videos that have gone viral recently showing Cybertrucks failing at some of the most basic duties you’d want in a vehicle.

    1. I still have yet to see one on the road. We have a Tesla service center here in the little burg. Lots of Teslas parked in their lot, waiting for their turn in the shop. Haven’t seen a Cybertruck their either.

      1. I’ve seen two. One has a red wrap with something written in Star Wars font. Both are FUGLY.

        1. I’ve seen two. One has a red wrap with something written in Star Wars font. Both are FUGLY.
          I have seen 1 and I confirm, it was FUGLY!

  13. Electric car prices will fall further this year as manufacturers resort to heavier discounting in an effort to boost sales, the boss of Auto Trader has predicted.

    Nathan Coe, Auto Trader’s chief executive, said discounts were increasing “month-to-month, and we do expect that to continue.”

    He said: “Getting consumers to buy new cars from retailers [generally] is challenging and we’ve seen discounts go from effectively nothing up to around 10pc or so today on average.

    “That’s true of [petrol] vehicles and EVs, but a bit more so for EVs because they are just not, in the minds of consumers, going to command such a big premium over their [petrol] counterparts.”

    Mr Coe said: “Consumers want to use EVs, they’re getting more and more comfortable with them generally speaking, but they are not going to pay £35,000 for an EV compared to £20,000 for its [petrol] counterpart and that’s kind of where we do see the pressure.”

    1. And no one wants a used EV, knowing well that they are timebombs that will cost a fortune to repair.

    2. And no one wants a used EV, knowing well that they are timebombs that will cost a fortune to repair.
      I don’t see any reason to own an EV.. In the past maybe you could have believed they were special and better, but now, Oh He$$ no, they are a disaster, so Virtual signaling is now the only possible reason to own one, but even that doesn’t add up as “honest/decent people disagree as to whether EV are more or less environmentally friendly than ICEs.

  14. There are charging concerns for owners of some electric vehicles in Maine as the drivers claim they can’t take advantage of a free charging program because the chargers they’re told to use aren’t reliable.

    The chargers are owned by Electrify America, which has hundreds of stations across the country. Of the company’s two stations in Maine, consumers claim the one located in Scarborough often has the most issues.

    “It’s just been a nightmare really,” EV owner Guy Keniston said. “It’s very rare to see more than two of the chargers operating at the same time.”

    When Keniston purchased his new EV, it came with a promotional plan that gave him free charging at any Electrify America charger for two years. Electrify America has partnered with nearly a dozen automakers to offer the complimentary charging program.

    However, with the free charging only available within Electrify America’s network, drivers say they often can’t take advantage due to unreliable chargers.

    “Last weekend, I arrived here and only one station was working,” Dan Galli, who recently purchased a new Hyundai EV, said. “Six vehicles had pulled up and everybody just threw their hands up and drove away.”

    To test the reliability ourselves, the CBS13 I-Team visited the Scarborough station five times over the course of a week.

    On one day, we found three chargers out of service. On another day there were two. We never found all four chargers working properly on the days we visited.

    “It takes weeks to get the technicians here to repair them,” Keniston said. “When they do repair them, they go down a day or two later.”

  15. Two paywall articles:

    Bankrupt homebuilder Arbor Construction’s portfolio in Charlotte region up for sale

    The Charlotte homebuilder filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in March.

    Haines City title agent sentenced to 36 months for multimillion-dollar mortgage fraud scheme

    The owner of Apex Title Agency made 30 real estate transactions that defrauded lenders out of millions of dollars in loans.

    1. The Charlotte homebuilder filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in March.

      Looks like all those people moving to Charlotte don’t have two dimes to rub together.

  16. “Wolf said he spoke with his loan officer who encouraged him to buy right away in Baltimore so they don’t get priced out and gave a new prediction for when rates would drop. He also offered to do their loan, according to Wolf.”

    You fall for it again and you deserve the a$$ pounding. You actually deserved it the first time around.

    1. You fall for it again and you deserve the a$$ pounding.

      If they fall for it again they obviously didn’t suffer enough the first time to learn their lesson and they need another A$$ pounding to bring home the lesson.

  17. CNBC — Trump campaign raises record $34.8 million in donations after guilty verdict (5/31/2024):

    “The Trump campaign said Friday it nearly doubled its single-day fundraising record after a New York jury found Donald Trump guilty in his criminal hush money trial.

    The campaign said it raised $34.8 million from small-dollar donors following the historic verdict Thursday afternoon, in which Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records.

    Nearly 30% of those donors were brand new to the Trump donation site WinRed, senior campaign advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a press release.”

  18. “The problem is when interest rates go down, all of the buyers will be competing,’ Brown said. ‘We will end up in a bidding war situation again. All the buyers that were holding back, they are all going to be looking to purchase at the same time again.’”

    Man these guys must stay up all night thinking of new FOMO lines.

  19. Conservative Columnist Sean Davis Calls on Republicans to Start Creating Lists of Democrats to Prosecute and Put in Prison (5/30/2024):

    “If you’re a Republican running for office, you can just go ahead and throw away all of your elegant little policy proposals for this or that corporate exclusion or tax subsidy. Give me a list of which Democrat officials you’re going to put in prison, or get lost.

    If you are a state AG/prosecutor with original criminal jurisdiction, you had better be drafting up charges, indictments, and warrants for every Democrat official involved in this insane, treasonous attack on our entire constitutional republic.

    Biden and Garland should be indicted in Texas tomorrow for their ongoing criminal human trafficking conspiracy across the border and into the state of Texas, in direct contravention of state law.”

  20. Chicago PMI Unexpectedly Craters To Depression Levels

    After unexpectedly slumping last month to 37.9, the Chicago PMI index cratered even more unexpectedly in May, when it defied hopes of a rebound to 41.5, and instead tumbled even more, sliding to a cycle low of 35.4 which was not only below the lowest estimate, but was staggeringly low. To get a sense of just how low, the last two times it printed here was during the peak of the covid and global financial crises…

    [A chart appears here …]

    … which seems to suggest that at least according to Chicago-based purchasing managers, the economy is in a depression.

    This is how the final number looked relative to expectations.

    [Another chart appears here …]

    Looking at the report we find the following:

    Business barometer fell at a faster pace; signaling contraction
    New orders fell at a faster pace; signaling contraction
    Employment fell at a faster pace; signaling contraction
    Inventories fell at a faster pace; signaling contraction
    Supplier deliveries fell at a slower pace; signaling contraction
    Production fell at a slower pace; signaling contraction
    Order backlogs fell at a faster pace; signaling contraction
    Did nothing rise? One thing did:

    Prices paid rose at a slower pace; signaling expansion
    So we have not just a depression, but a stagflationary depression in which everything else is going to hell, except prices: they keep on rising.

    And while it is unclear what has prompted this unprecedented bearishness (the surely negative contribution from Boeing is likely to blame for a substantial portion of the apocalyptic outlook), one thing is certain: Goldman will have to come up with even more goalseeked surveys that explain away reality and tell us how purchasing managers really should feel…

  21. A reader sent these in:

    Amazing listening to a show and a lady who had moved her family from Canada to Nicaragua said 8,000 other Canadians had done the same. This is what happens when you debase your currency and embark on a mission to use government and the Central Bank to inflate home prices.

    NEW – Canadian MP Laurel Collins claims “climate emergencies are not gender neutral” while being “wildly emotional.”

    Looks like some soft NFP #’s ahead

    Lots of labor talk from Fed speakers, we’re hearing more and more gab on it for a reason. Job market about to have less postings than Feb 2020 with 20 million more people… problematic

    Sorry the lag took so long against 10 trillion in monetary and fiscal tightening – job openings literally began falling the month monetary policy tightening began. Just because the dog and pony show in DC is hellbent on destroying any last inklings of fiscal responsibility doesn’t mean monetary policy won’t work, it’s like hitting an axe against a Redwood over and over until it breaks.

    President Biden is calling on Congress to give middle-class first-time homebuyers a $10,000 tax credit to help lower their monthly mortgage costs. Inflation:

    Cool inflation and lower home prices? Sorry. Best I can do is hand out more stimulus money and further subsidize demand.

    It is very hard to take any global financial ‘leader’ serious any more.

    This is why alternative data sources & POVs are on the rise.

    New Zealand is Exhibit A clown show – unemployment is soaring, CPI is at 4%, the economy is stagnant, 52,500 native NZers left in Q1, and immigration is out of control. This is what happens when idiots become conductors.

    Dell Technologies collapses nearly 20% after delivering its earnings report

    This morning’s revised data show the gov’t is basically “buying” GDP w/ debt, but getting only 50 cents on the dollar – worst deal ever…

    Fascinating anecdotal evidence of the consumer being tapped out and that retail is now significantly affected:

    The Sprouts food store on the way to my office has a bunch of banners up this morning touting “New Lower Prices”.

    Oh yea, it’s clearly working how the Fed wants it to work.
    The rich are richer than ever.
    The middle class keeps shrinking.
    Housing unaffordable for most.
    And the poor and vulnerable are stuck with permanently higher prices.
    Mission accomplished.

    In the late 1980s and early 1990s, concern about the public debt reached its peak. The national debt clock was installed, and Ross Perot ran the most successful independent presidential campaign in the past century focused largely on debts and deficits.

    But then China and the post-Soviet Union region opened up to the world, and the resulting offshoring and globalization sparked all sorts of disinflation. Interest rates fell, and so U.S. interest expense relative to the size of the economy dropped by a lot, even as debt/GDP continued to head higher.

    The lesson that many people took from that era, by the time we reached the 2010s and early 2020s, is that deficits don’t really matter. All those people worrying about the deficit were viewed as wrong. And so, the *lack* of concern about public debt reached its peak.

    But that’s also when four decades of falling interest rates hit zero and started going sideways. And so, the falling-rate offset to ever-higher public debt growth is no longer there now. Globalization is slowing down, and putting more frictions back into global supply chains. The pendulum is swinging in the other direction.


    Unfinished shells on market in North Port.

    🚩🚩Scared New Homebuyer🚩🚩
    We didn’t get an inspection… We didn’t have a lot of money and it was a new build. Thought it would be fine. 😬
    (Link in comments)

    Starting to look like Downtown Vegas 😬

    👀 👀 Most people that bought in the past 5 years can’t afford them. That includes the rich. I have a feeling inventories will be increasing significantly over the next year

    Possibly the WORST “Planning Commission” ever. For all the people working in construction in the area, when you’re unemployed for about 3 or 4 years, the names in this article are to blame.

    Between insurance and property taxes, my house payment is going up $400 next month.

    It goes from $2625 to $3025. This is every month.

    Is this happening to everyone or is it just a Colorado thing?

    Keeping an eye on Tampa. We do not have an inventory shortage. We have an overpriced issue.

    Japanese 2-year yield pumping, now over 0.4%. 3 decades of ZIRP and NIRP continues to end.

    Signs home sale-price growth could soften in coming months👇#housing

    1. Home price drops hit the highest level since November 2022.

    2. The median asking price dropped roughly $3,000 in the last week, the first decline in six months.

    3. For-sale supply is growing more stale.

    Bend, OR MLS hot sheet today shows 27 new listings, 13 pended sales, and 40 PRICE REDUCTIONS! This is our high season and we’ve not seen this since the 2008-2015 era

    The Dave Del Dotto of RE masterclasses today.

    This is far worse than the dot-com bubble; people are literally going all-in as the yield curve is about to un-invert.

    Salesforce sales growth is collapsing

    There are currently 1,024 properties on the market in LA right now in various stages of foreclosure

    Only 6,522 non-distressed properties

    ~15% of all LA listings are foreclosures? Seems much higher than I remember even in 2019

    Here are all foreclosures in Silver Lake/Hollywood:

    1. “The rich are richer than ever.
      The middle class keeps shrinking.
      Housing unaffordable for most.
      And the poor and vulnerable are stuck with permanently higher prices.”

      Paul Krugman, you are VERMIN.

    2. Amazing listening to a show and a lady who had moved her family from Canada to Nicaragua said 8,000 other Canadians had done the same.

      The problem with moving to Latin America is “la marea rosa”, the pink tide. They are all swinging hard to the left. Mexico is having elections this Sunday and will be lurching even further left when MORENA’s presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, is expected to win in a landslide with a 20 point lead over the other candidate.

      1. huh, Shienbaum. That doesn’t sound like a very Mexican name to me at all. Could it be yet again????????

        Huh, I just wonder.

        1. She’s a member of the tribe. Her opponent is a mestizo woman.

          What is helping her is that her party, MORENA, is promising a lot of free sh!t. The pink tide is coming to Mexico.

    3. 👀 👀 Most people that bought in the past 5 years can’t afford them. That includes the rich. I have a feeling inventories will be increasing significantly over the next year

      7 months in this case: 15112 Huntington Gate Dr, Poway, CA 92064

      05/30/2024 Price Changed $2,795,000
      05/17/2024 Listed $2,995,000
      10/06/2023 Sold $2,550,000
      07/08/2023 Listed $2,595,000
      07/06/2023 Listing Removed
      06/05/2023 Price Changed $2,695,000
      03/23/2023 Listed $2,795,000
      07/23/2013 Listing Removed $1,450,000
      06/28/2013 Sold $1,425,000

    4. This morning’s revised data show the gov’t is basically “buying” GDP w/ debt, but getting only 50 cents on the dollar – worst deal ever…

      That’s the argument I have been make to a friend with TDS. I used the increase in Federal debt of 6.2% of GDP to get a GDP increase of 4.1%. That doesn’t work. Look at it this way, we are going to increase marketing spend by 6.2% ( say in example $62,000) and the increase revenue is 4.1% (say 41,000) would you spend the marketing money?
      No you shouldn’t. But that’s what’s happening.

    5. “It goes from $2625 to $3025. This is every month.

      That’s $100 every waking morning, weekends included.

  22. ‘Now, all the guidelines around income and job history are so strict compared to what they used to be that the zero down, really, on its surface, isn’t a problem.’”

    So if their income and job history are so amazing, why don’t they have 10%-20% in cash as a down payment?

  23. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stood, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    There, fixed it.

    1. I acknowledge your sentiment but can’t accept your defeatism.

      The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution exists for one reason: resistance to, and overthrow of, tyrannical government.

      1. “I acknowledge your sentiment but can’t accept your defeatism.”

        I get it but I am not admitting defeat, merely making a statement about the current State of the Union.

    2. under God

      Note that this was added to the pledge at the behest of the Knights of Columbus.

  24. Camus

    A doctor who realizes that Covid vaccines are far more dangerous than we’ve been led to believe…
    Annette Bosworth, M.D. (Dr. Boz): “I had all of my kids vaccinated, i had all of the people I love vaccinated and when you look back and say : “Dang, look at what it did, especially the kids…”…This information is out there. I don’t know how long this report will be there. I wanna do my part in at least spreading the information that’s in this report…”


    The biggest crime in the history of medicine

    Dr. Boz [Annette Bos

    1. So why did she get everyone she could jabbed with an unproven experimental “vaccine”, when the danger was self evident to lay people like us?

      Because the FDA and the CDC told her it was safe. And she blindly believed them.

  25. Elon Musk

    Indeed, great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system.

    If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.

    Geiger Capital
    @Geiger_Capital 16h

    The first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, illegal CIA coups, drone striking weddings, or spying on Americans…

    It was because Trump misclassified a $130,000 payment for a porn star’s NDA.

    Tells you everything you need to know.

    3:16 AM · May 31, 2024

    1. Trump had nothing to do with the classification. Besides sensing a change in the political winds, Musky knows a lot about NDAs and hush payments. An attorney friend of a friend has loose lips.

      1. Ah, so that explains why you’re not too thrilled with Elon. Well, I guess you can’t have 10 kids with four moms and still keep a clean closet. Plus some of his business dealings are a bit shady (solar city?).

        But I can’t overlook that he bought Twitter and opened it up to free speech, breaking the media monopoly. When he tried to wiggle out of the deal, it wasn’t because he decided he didn’t want Twitter; it was merely a money thing.

        1. But I can’t overlook that he bought Twitter and opened it up to free speech, breaking the media monopoly.

          If not for SpaceX the ChiComs and Russians would own manned spaceflight, and we would still need to hitch rides to the ISS with Russians.

        2. he bought Twitter and opened it up to free speech

          Actions speak louder than words. Twitter is not a free speech platform. It may be more free than previously (hence the left’s ire), but it is not a free speech platform. Musk silences his loudest critics and anyone anti-CCP. I’ve seen it happen in real-time.

    1. How Big is an Amoeba?

      If an amoeba were the size of a cookie, a human would be as tall as 16 Eiffel Towers stacked on top of each other!

      If an amoeba were the size of a grain of sand, a human would be as big as a 10-story building.

      If an amoeba were the size of a pea, a human would be taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza

        1. One summer I worked with a guy who was going to Princeton at a North American agency moving furniture. When one of the office guys would come tell us we had to go somewhere and pick up something or help another crew when we were almost done for the day he would wait until they left and say… He doesn’t care, to him we’re just Amoeba spit.

  26. How is it that old ladies who kneel outside an abortion clinic get 10 years in prison and those who burn, loot and attack police cars, officers and precincts etc. walk out of jail the next day Scott free or don’t get arrested at all?

    1. Joe Biden’s America, that’s how.

      And +1 that DJT specifically called out “Soros DA” in his statement leaving court yesterday.

      2020 Summer Of Love™ never happened according to Real Journalists, but we remember…

  27. ‘If you are getting approved for a loan right now, there’s a very, very good chance that your lender did a lot of due diligence to ensure you can actually afford that loan over the long term,’ he said. Channel noted that there might be a higher risk of foreclosure for some more recent homebuyers, but he thinks most of them will have no trouble keeping up with their payments. The banks made sure of that’

    ‘It’s called a ‘Zero Down Mortgage.’ Alex Elezaj, UWM’s Chief Strategy Officer, said the Zero Down Mortgage is an upfront loan that helps buyers buy a home. They are given the cash for a down payment, which they are eventually required to repay. The program has attracted thousands of home buyers since it started two weeks ago’

    These aren’t banks Jacob, and they’ve made most of the shack loans for well over a decade.

  28. It is a before and after moment for America. What just happened today is a line we can’t uncross, and these Democrats will rue the day they decided to use ‘lawfare’ to stop a presidential candidate. I’m not talking about violence. I’m talking about tit for tat. You just wait. And it won’t be Hunter Biden the next time. It’s going to be Joe Biden. It could potentially still be Barack Obama. It could still potentially be Hillary Clinton. Turnabout is fair play. And John Yoo, an amazing lawyer who worked in the Bush administration, has a great piece out today in National Review talking about how that is the only way they will learn. The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine. That’s it. The Democrats started this game.

  29. ‘Steven Wolf figured the pain would be fleeting. Within a year rates rates would drop enough to allow them to refinance and put hundreds of dollars back into their pockets. That hasn’t happened and isn’t expected to soon. In fact, rates are higher. ‘We did this with the expectation that we would only have to weather this high payment for a chunk of time,’ the 37-year old English teacher said. ‘Now that chunk of time is looking like it might actually be permanent’

    Senator running deer heap angry Steve.

  30. ‘In an appeal for leniency and home confinement instead of prison, Ricci blamed his crimes on him getting ‘way over my head’ in trying to save a Florida home from foreclosure, a property he said he and his wife, Brenda, intended to use in their retirement. (The government said he had made no mortgage payment on the property for more than five years.) Ricci said he had learned ‘the hard way’: his 34-year marriage was over, two of his three children would not speak to him and he had lost friendships’

    That’s some sound lending right there.

    1. Yep Ricci, your bird is riding another pony. Is your dog is retrieving the frisbee for Chad too?

  31. She said the building was incomplete when she moved in and her unit was unfinished with elements such as glass doors for her showers and separations on the terrace balcony still missing’

    ‘They didn’t even paint my unit,’ said Ms. Lima-Robeiro, who was three-months pregnant at the time. ‘I had to pay $4,000 [in occupancy fees] regardless if you move in, so I thought I might as well move in. It’s not like I benefited: there were no amenities, dust was everywhere, the heat went off two or three times. I’m a first-time home buyer, this is all new to me and I didn’t know how to navigate the system’

    I know Melanie, it’s almost like they hosed the most vulnerable customers!

  32. Does it seem like deja vu all over again, with Sean Snaith serving up reasons for the Florida housing market CR8R?

    1. Florida Housing Market Warning
      Published May 31, 2024 at 4:30 AM EDT
      Updated May 31, 2024 at 4:55 AM EDT
      By Giulia Carbonaro
      US News Reporter

      Florida reported the third-highest number of foreclosure filings in the country between January and March, according to a recent report from property and real-estate data research firm ATTOM.

      Foreclosures have been rising nationwide in the first quarter of 2024, with a total of 95,712 homes with a foreclosure filing. This is up 6 percent from the previous quarter and 22 percent, compared to a year earlier.

      States such as Texas and Florida have been leading this trend, suggesting that the housing markets that boomed during the pandemic are now experiencing some pains, with homeowners missing mortgage payments and losing their properties.

      “I think the most likely culprit is the rise in homeowners insurance that, coupled with the general inflation, has pushed people who were close to the edge over into foreclosures,” Sean Snaith, director of the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Economic Forecasting, told Newsweek.

      “A number of [private insurance] companies that were writing policies there left Florida; there was also a lot of litigation surrounding homeowners insurance,” Snaith said. “And all of these things clustered with a couple of hurricanes have pushed up insurance premiums in the past couple of years in the state,” he added.

      “And so these higher premiums on top of the homeowners’ monthly payments—interest, taxes—might have pushed some people into foreclosure. That’s likely the reason, because the Florida economy and its labor market is still very strong,” Snaith concluded.

      California had the highest number of foreclosures in the first quarter of the year, for a total of 6,867 foreclosure starts; Texas followed with 6,764; and Florida with 4,724. Houston, Texas, saw the biggest increase among the 15 metropolitan areas with the most filings in the first quarter of 2024, up 37 percent compared to a year earlier.

  33. Do crumbling tech stocks worry you that there may be far more CR8R to come before the present market turbulence ends?

  34. I have terrible news for California landlords: Rents in California’s largest cities are plummeting.

    Should you sell now, or wait until after all those Wall Street corporate greedheads dump their investment properties and CR8R prices?

    Decisions, decisions…

    1. Real Estate
      Rents in California’s biggest cities are plummeting
      By Tessa McLean, California Editor
      May 31, 2024
      File: A for-rent sign hangs in front of an apartment building in San Francisco.
      Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

      Rents in the majority of California’s big cities posted substantial annual declines, according to a new report from rental site Zumper.

      Rent for one-bedroom units plummeted 9.1% in Oakland, while San Francisco and San Jose saw dips of 1.7% and 2.3% since May 2023, respectively. In Southern California, Los Angeles rents dropped 5% in the past year, while Long Beach rents declined 1.1%.

      Even San Diego, which has seen housing prices explode in recent years, saw a one-bedroom rent drop in the last year of 1.3%.

  35. Congressman Byron Donalds


    We were told Biden wouldn’t face prosecution because he’s an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

    We were told “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case” v. Hillary.

    Yet the system targets Trump.

    Americans see this 2-tiered system and election interference.

    8:12 AM · May 31, 2024

    1. Americans see this 2-tiered system and election interference.

      And now Trump will be justified in the public’s eyes to go after them.

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