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The Price Of Resale Homes Exceeds That Of New Homes

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  1. This is a pearl clutching article.

    The Guardian — ‘Verified’ anti-vax accounts proliferate as Twitter struggles to police content (11/21/2022):

    “As the troubled social media platform Twitter rolled out a paid verification system and laid off thousands of content moderators, health misinformation accounts on the social network began pushing their messages to a wider audience than ever.

    Under Elon Musk’s new direction for Twitter, several anti-vaccine accounts with tens of thousands of followers are now verified by paying $7.99 a month for Twitter Blue.”

    Clutch those pearls harder, globalists.

    “Verified accounts are frequently seen as reliable and trustworthy, and Twitter’s algorithm gives them a higher ranking in search results, replies and follow recommendations.

    “There’s a sense of legitimacy that comes with it,” said Barry. “By verifying this anti-vaccine account, they’re kind of verifying all of the misinformation it shares … it makes people think, ‘Oh, well, this is a verified account. This must be true.’”

    OH NO! Not the Blue Checkmarks!

    “But “now it looks like Twitter’s giving these accounts some legitimacy”, said Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist and dean of tropical medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.

    “It looks like now they’re going to move in the wrong direction, and actually help promote groups that are touting anti-vaccine, anti-science disinformation.”

    COVID vaccines are poison.

    “One phrase that is picking up steam in the anti-vax world is “died suddenly”, which may be used in official media reports to talk about any sudden death, making it harder to moderate automatically.

    A Died Suddenly Twitter account, which was verified through the paid Twitter Blue program, plans to release a documentary on Monday that promotes vaccine misinformation.

    The vaccines to prevent severe disease and death from Covid-19 are extremely safe and effective, with millions of people around the world vaccinated.

    That last quoted sentence is a LIE.

    Experimental mRNA gene therapy gives you blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. The “vaccine” is what is killing you, not COVID.

    1. Twitter is a fictional stain on humanity , establishment’s political will bender , I turned it off and never looked back .

  2. “The Price Of Resale Homes Exceeds That Of New Homes”

    Builders can lower their prices much faster than home owners might have over bid and who are also on the hook for closing costs.

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