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They’re Under Financial Pressure To Sell In A Down Market

A report from the Bradenton Herald in Florida. “The most recent housing report for Manatee and Sarasota counties indicates a buyer-friendly market. In Manatee County, 500 single-family homes were sold in February, marking an 8.6% decrease year-over-year. The median sale price dropped 4.8% to $475,995. Manatee County townhomes and condos saw a price decline with the median sale price falling 8.4% to $319,990. There are 1,828 active listings for townhouses and condos, which equals an 8.3-month supply of inventory. In Sarasota County, there was a slight decline in the median sales price for single-family homes. That median sale price is $499,990, a 1.5 percent drop year-over-year. There was a 2.1 increase in single-family homes, though the monthly inventory supply increased to 6.8 months. The townhouse and condo inventory is a robust 9.1-month supply in Sarasota County. ‘With more condos and townhomes available and prices trending downward, buyers have a unique opportunity in today’s market,’ Realtor Association of Sarasota and Manatee president Debi Reynolds said in a news release.”

From NPR. “Federal authorities have arrested one of the founders of a real estate investment group accused of defrauding investors and abandoning hundreds of Cincinnati renters. U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio Magistrate Judge Stephanie Bowman signed an arrest warrant for Vision & Beyond co-founder Stas Grinberg on March 19 on charges he committed wire fraud and bank fraud and that he made false statements on loan applications. A federal inmate registry shows Gringberg is currently being held at FDC Houston, an administrative-level federal detention center. According previous press releases from the company, Grinberg founded Vision & Beyond with business partner Peter Gizunterman in 2018. The company solicited investment in specific properties that it maintained an ownership stake in. At its peak, Vision & Beyond is believed to have owned hundreds of millions of dollars in residential property, including more than 60 properties in Cincinnati.”

“Those investors allege in lawsuits that Grinberg and Gizunterman engaged in a complex scheme that involved fraudulently transferring properties away from the investors and then mortgaging them for roughly $36 million. The filing by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service seeking an arrest warrant against Grinberg in U.S. District Court alleges he and Gizunterman used a variety of fraudulent means to obtain loans and forestalling foreclosure on them, including misrepresenting how much rent they were collecting, mortgaging properties with multiple lenders at the same time, obtaining false documentation regarding payoff of mortgages, hiding who had ownership interest in the properties, how much the properties would sell for, and so forth.”

“‘According to Witness 1, Grinberg and Gizunterman began to acquire several multi-family commercial properties in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Texas,’ the filing reads. ‘Grinberg and Gizunterman began to ‘double pledge’ properties to obtain financial loans through different lenders for financial gain. Grinberg and Gizunterman were able to do this with the assistance of two closing agents who were complicit in the scheme.'”

The Oregonian. “The city never really recovered from COVID-19, even though deaths from the disease have slowed to a trickle. Portland settled into a social and economic malaise after 2020. The population boom of smart, young migrants the city rode to economic prosperity in the years just before COVID came to an abrupt halt. A summer of nightly protests and periodic riots, along with a surge in homelessness and homicides, battered the city’s national reputation. Remote work hollowed out downtown offices as boarded up windows supplanted restaurants and retailers. Portland ceased to become a destination for the upwardly mobile. For many, it became a place to avoid.”

“The state had some of the broadest and longest set of COVID restrictions of anywhere in the country. Oregon didn’t fully lift emergency mandates until June 2021. Schools were mostly closed for 17 months, far longer than in other states. Many storefronts are empty. Pedestrian traffic remains sparse, down 36% last year compared to 2019, according to the latest anonymized cell-phone data tracked by Nearly a third of downtown Portland offices are vacant, the real estate brokerage JLL reported, one of the highest rates in the nation. The tech firms that helped spark downtown’s renaissance in the years after the Great Recession scattered to the wind. Some issues, like the rising cost of housing and growth in opioid abuse, began before the pandemic and weren’t unique to Portland, though the health crisis and the state’s response may have exacerbated them.”

“Observers say nurturing a small business culture that played a part in catapulting Portland to fame a decade ago should take priority, at a time when those companies now inhabit swaths of the urban real estate others left behind. ‘There has been lasting change,’ said Stephen Green, executive director of local business advocate Better Portland. ‘I don’t think we’ll ever see the same 9-to-5 foot traffic counts in downtown Portland.’ Green said, ‘Downtown’s on sale.'”

KFMB in California. “San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria’s office Friday announced the administration will sponsor two proposed state bills aimed at cracking down on human trafficking. AB 63, authored by Assemblywoman Michelle Rodriguez, D-Chino, would make it unlawful to loiter with the intent to commit prostitution. ‘The unfortunate truth is that San Diego has seen a sharp increase in prostitution and human trafficking in the past few years, harming people and the communities where loitering is concentrated,’ Gloria said. According to the city of San Diego, prior to SB357, the police department would see on average four to eight individuals per day attempting to engage in prostitution. Based on recent data collected by the city, that count is between 12 and 30. ‘Families and business owners in affected neighborhoods are enduring the negative impacts of sex buyers circling the area for potential victims and deals for sexual activity take place,’ a city statement said.”

From Bisnow. “President Donald Trump returned to the White House with promises to deport up to 20 million people, touching off a wave of intense fear among unauthorized immigrants. On construction sites, where workers without permanent legal status number approximately 1.5 million, the anxiety was palpable, with many people afraid to report for work. ‘There’s definitely a huge fear out here,’ Huntington Estate Properties founder Ramtin Nosrati said of his workforce in California. ‘A lot of these guys are worried to drive and go pick anything up, worried about if they pass a stop sign, are they getting pulled over, are they getting deported if they don’t have the proper documentation?'”

Barrie Today in Canada. “It’s every landlord’s worst nightmare — a tenant who stops paying rent and refuses to leave. That was the reality for Bradford’s Michelle Taddeo and her partner, Tony Natale, for more than two years. Worse still, even after they were finally able to get an eviction order from Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board and have the tenant removed, they discovered their fully finished basement apartment had been badly damaged, leaving them with an estimated $10,000 in repairs on top the $25,890 in unpaid rent identified by the tribunal, plus about $3,390 in legal fees. ‘This place, we’re not going to rent it anymore, because of what happened,’ she said.”

“When asked what she plans to do now, Taddeo was blunt. ‘Not much,’ she said, adding that applying to small claims court doesn’t seem worth it. ‘I’d be wasting my time, because even if I get the bloody order, I can’t collect from him,’ she said. Meanwhile, Taddeo and Natale are still without any rental income from the apartment, and as a result may need to make changes to their lifestyle. ‘What can we do? We need to stretch the budget,’ Taddeo said. ‘It hurts. It hurts a lot.’ Based on self-reporting, Small Ownership Landlords of Ontario claims their members have lost roughly $21.46 million combined as of March 14, and estimates between 50 and 75 landlords leave the Greater Toronto Area each month. Taddeo’s advice to others considering renting out their properties paints a bleak picture for the future of the rental market. ‘The best thing is not to rent anymore, especially in the same house,’ she said. ‘I know the rent is helpful, but it’s not worth it.'” in Australia. “Eight years ago, Aaron Duff and his partner bought their first home using the First Home Buyer’s Scheme, a decision he regrets. Mr Duff, 41, bought the home for under $600,000 to take full advantage of the First Home Buyer’s incentive offered in Victoria. Under the scheme, stamp duty is abolished for first-time buyers who spend $600,000 or less. Melbourne’s median house price is now over $1 million, but back in 2017 when the couple were buying, it was $750,000. Mr Duff had more time and he started listening to a property podcast, and it dawned on him that he wanted more. Neither he nor his partner have massive incomes, but they worked out that if they budgeted, they could buy another home in Queensland.”

“The couple started taking equity out of their primary residence to buy elsewhere and, once they saw that the formula worked, they decided to go all in. Within four years, Mr Duff, managed to buy 12 investment properties. He manages 13 tenants and one property has a granny flat that he also rents out. Right now, Mr Duff’s property portfolio is negatively geared. When the interest rates were lower, he was generating income, but now each property costs him about $100 per week to keep going. Mr Duff has avoided feeling the full brunt of that cost, though, because some of the investment properties are held in the couple’s self-managed superannuation fund, and therefore, their yearly superannuation contributions cover the costs. Mr Duff said the properties have also increased in value. The property portfolio is now estimated at $7.4 million and, while he’s carrying $4.8 million in debt, if the couple decided to sell everything tomorrow, they’d be making upwards of $2 million in profit, which they’ve created within just four years. ‘We’re stoked and blessed to have achieved that,’ he said.”

Domain News in Australia. “Home sellers in affluent suburbs have been slashing their price expectations, as houses stay on the market for longer and buyers are in no rush to purchase. Houses in Chatswood, Lane Cove, North Sydney, Mosman, Manly and the northern end of the eastern suburbs, were discounted by up to 13 per cent over the six months to February 2025, Domain data showed. ‘Conditions across Sydney’s housing market have softened, and it’s the premium end that tends to feel the weakness,’ said Domain’s chief of research and economics Dr Nicola Powell. Powell said sellers might be more willing to test pricing when there is less of an urgency to sell. On the flipside, buyers have less urgency to purchase and might be willing to play the waiting game. ‘It can take some time for a seller to adjust pricing to meet the market,’ she said.”

“Lawyer and business consultant Belinda Coniglio is looking for a Sydney investment pad and hopes now is a good time to buy. ‘I thought I should get into the market now while it’s a downturn,’ she said. Coniglio owns two properties in Perth, and said she’s found Sydney sellers to be open to negotiation but not on the terms of sale. Coniglio believes vendors want buyers who have their deposit and finances ready. ‘I feel they’re under financial pressure to sell in a down market, unless they’re doing something else with the money,’ she said.”

This Post Has 97 Comments
  1. ‘The city never really recovered from COVID-19, even though deaths from the disease have slowed to a trickle. Portland settled into a social and economic malaise after 2020. The population boom of smart, young migrants the city rode to economic prosperity in the years just before COVID came to an abrupt halt. A summer of nightly protests and periodic riots, along with a surge in homelessness and homicides, battered the city’s national reputation’

    This is a fascinating article. They actually say the ‘well we saved lives’ thing. Eat yer crows you mouth hanky wearing commies.

    1. The city was a shoothole before COVID. I visited there in May of 2019 and even back then they had a reputation for homelessness. The reputation is well-earned.

      1. Agreed. I was there for work in late 2019 and there were streets I didn’t feel comfortable walking down – and I live in LA!

  2. ‘‘Families and business owners in affected neighborhoods are enduring the negative impacts of sex buyers circling the area for potential victims and deals for sexual activity take place’

    But the weather is nice.

    1. AB 63, authored by Assemblywoman Michelle Rodriguez, D-Chino, would make it unlawful to loiter with the intent to commit prostitution.

      Pathetic. Ignore the root cause. Open borders.

  3. ‘Right now, Mr Duff’s property portfolio is negatively geared. When the interest rates were lower, he was generating income, but now each property costs him about $100 per week to keep going’

    That’s 4,800 Australian pesos a month Aaron. You sir are a winnah!

  4. “A lot of these guys are worried to drive and go pick anything up, worried about if they pass a stop sign, are they getting pulled over, are they getting deported if they don’t have the proper documentation?’”

    This is how anyone who is doing something illegal should feel.

    1. When will the sh*tty tuba circus music on construction jobsites stop? And yeah, unplug your phone chargers from the turtle, the gringos need to charge batteries.

      1. When will the sh*tty tuba circus music on construction jobsites stop?

        You can tell where illegals are from by their choice in music. Mexican polkas are mostly popular in northern Mexico, in states that border the US, like Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon.

        Being that Dumver is a sanctuary city, they know that Dumver PD won’t cooperate with ICE, so if they get puled over for driving without a license, all that will happen is they will get a citation they can throw into the trash.

        1. Do you think ICE will start raiding the workplaces? The 47 Admin hasn’t mentioned that yet, but I’m sure it’s on the list.

          1. Eventually. For now they are focusing on the 500,000 or so felons, thought they will also arrest and deport any illegals they stumble across while hunting for the felons.

          2. Do you think ICE will start raiding the workplaces?
            The country I was in frequently raided work places as well as did traffic stops looking for illegals.

        1. Jeff, I’m assuming you are in construction , supply side of inspector. Have you seen any slow down? It seems busier than I’ve ever seen it in the Carolina and Georgia. There can’t be anyone left up north!

      2. “When will the sh*tty tuba circus music on construction jobsites stop?”

        Maybe when the deportations are complete? 😂
        Norteño (music)

        “Norteño or Norteña (Spanish pronunciation: [noɾˈteɲo], northern), also música norteña, is a subgenre of regional Mexican music. The music is most often based on duple and triple metre and its lyrics often deal with socially relevant topics, although there are also many norteño love songs. The accordion and the bajo sexto are traditional norteño’s most characteristic instruments.”


        “Emperor Maximilian I brought Central European music to México during his reign (beginning 1863) in the Second Mexican Empire. By 1864, he had accumulated marching bands and musicians to entertain him. In 1867, the Mexican Republic executed Maximilian, thereby ending the Austrian empire in Mexico. Many of Maximilian’s former soldiers and fellow countrymen fled north and dispersed into what is now the southwestern United States. Norteño music developed from a blending of Mexican and Spanish oral and musical traditions, military brass band instrumentation, and European musical styles such as polka and waltz.”

        “European immigrants from Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States also brought dance traditions such as the varsovienne. The focus on the accordion in the music of their home countries was integrated into Mexican music, and became an essential instrument. It was called norteño (“northern”) because it was most popular in the northern regions of Mexico.”

        “The late 1910s and 1920s were the golden age of the corrido, a form of ballad. Mexicans on both sides of the border came to San Antonio, Texas, to record in hotels. Their songs memorialize the Mexican political revolution of the time. Los Alegres de Terán and Los Donneños were among the first norteño bands. Later in the century, the genre became more commercial with the works of Los Relámpagos del Norte and other groups. More recent bands such as Intocable integrate elements of rock music and other popular styles.”

        Interesting. The main issue to me gets back to the word “illegal” in the recent wave of immigrants during the previous administrations term. This was an actual invasion and funded by U.S. taxpayers via the D party and NGOs. Sanctuary states and cities are only part of the problem.

        Again, the strategy was (and still is) to overwhelm the conservative voter base with unskilled, uneducated, dependent D voters, as well as completely destroy the constitutional republic. Again, all at U.S. taxpayer expense. Think banana republic end game.

        Neo-marxists are driving this; it’s an existential threat to the United States by enemies of the state, both internal and external. It’s a clear and present danger, yet none dare call it treason.

        I don’t have a problem with the music. At least they have culture. I do have a problem with the Marxist agenda. It’s war, but few seem to understand this. 2A is still relevant.
        Independence Day | 1996 | PG-13

        [the President briefs the pilots before the final attack]
        President Thomas Whitmore: Good morning.
        [PA doesn’t work. Turns it on]
        President Thomas Whitmore: We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom… Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution… but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: “We will not go quietly into the night!” We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!

    2. worried about if they pass a stop sign, are they getting pulled over, are they getting deported if they don’t have the proper documentation?’”
      This is not just a US thing. Several people I met overseas were illegal due to their work visa expiring. They are also concerned about going to work and traveling. But in both cases I am very familiar with they can get their work visas extended by paying an agent. They just choose not to pay and keep the money. FWIW, the one hiring manager I got to know said he pays the same amount whether you are legal or not.
      Based on my very limited experience in the US illegals get paid less.

  5. ‘Coniglio is looking for a Sydney investment pad and hopes now is a good time to buy. ‘I thought I should get into the market now while it’s a downturn,’ she said. Coniglio owns two properties in Perth, and said she’s found Sydney sellers to be open to negotiation but not on the terms of sale. Coniglio believes vendors want buyers who have their deposit and finances ready. ‘I feel they’re under financial pressure to sell in a down market, unless they’re doing something else with the money’

    Catch that falling knife Belinda, you only live once!

  6. [Keep in mind while reading this that The Epoch Times is a publication of Fulun Gong.]

    The Epoch Times – Former Congresswoman Explains CCP’s Hidden Influence in California.

    The former lawmaker warns that CCP influence on California’s campuses, ports, and border should be seen as a national security issue.

    As awareness grows of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) influence in the United States, a former congresswoman from California is shedding light on the regime’s reach in the state, across the country, and around the world.

    Michelle Steel, who served in Congress from 2021 to 2025 and sat on several committees dealing with China-related issues, raised concerns about the CCP’s influence on the U.S. higher education system in a recent interview with EpochTV’s “California Insider.”

    [Click the link to read the rest.]

  7. The downfall of climate change poster boy Michael Mann.

    Even if you’ve never heard of Michael Mann, you will have felt his baleful influence on your energy bills. He is the inventor of the hockey stick chart, which shows a sharp increase in late 20th century global temperatures, like the blade of an ice hockey stick. It put rocket boosters on the climate change scare and was used as an excuse by policymakers to send green taxes, tariffs and regulations soaring.

    Mann was an obscure academic who had just been given his PhD at the University of Massachusetts when his graph was published in the journal Nature in 1998. Within months – fêted everywhere from the New York Times to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – he’d become the poster boy for the alleged global warming apocalypse. Never before had a scientist demonstrated the threat of imminent climate catastrophe so graphically or dramatically.

    But from the start, Mann’s thesis came under attack from an array of critics. They argued, for example, that the proxies he had used to recreate early temperatures (e.g. tree ring data) were unreliable; that his statistical methodology was flawed; that his algorithms were so corrupt that whatever data you input, you’d always get the same unscientific, politically driven hockey stick shape.

    And at last those critics have been vindicated. Not, unfortunately, by an official re-examination of Mann’s chart, which is never going to happen because there are too many vested interests at stake. But rather in the unlikely setting of a Jarndyce vs Jarndyce-style lawsuit, which Mann launched years ago with a view to impoverishing and immiserating his detractors, but which has recently backfired spectacularly.

    The lawsuit has been grinding through the US courts since 2012, when Mann filed a defamation lawsuit against two journalists. One, the Canadian wag and former Spectator critic Mark Steyn, had called Mann’s work ‘fraudulent’. The other, Rand Simberg of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, had said that Mann had ‘molested and tortured data’, calling him ‘the Jerry Sandusky of climate science’ in reference to a convicted child abuser.

    For the first few years of this protracted exercise in lawfare, Mann appeared to be making all the running. ‘The process is the punishment’ it’s often said of such cases, which are designed to drag on and on to the point where the defendants can no longer afford legal representation and are forced into humiliating and costly capitulation. Steyn and Simberg fought back by accusing Mann of SLAPP (‘strategic lawsuits against public participation’), i.e. of using the law to censor legitimate criticism. But for a long period it looked as if their heroic struggle against Mann and his seemingly bottomless-pocketed sponsors (it is not known who is paying his legal fees) was going to be in vain. At one terrifying point early last year, a jury decided that for the crime of trenchant critical analysis Steyn should be liable to Mann for $1 million in punitive damages.
    A lawsuit Michael Mann launched with a view to immiserating his detractors has backfired spectacularly

    More recently, however, Mann has found himself very much on the back foot. This month, the judge delivered his final judgment order, reducing Steyn’s punitive $1 million damages to a much more manageable $5,000. And last week, the judge took the unusual step of publicly shredding the moral character of both Mann and his lawyers. They had acted in ‘bad faith’ on multiple occasions, he declared. Worse, the two lead lawyers had ‘each knowingly made a false statement of fact to the court’, while Mann had ‘knowingly participated in the falsehood’ even to the point of using ‘erroneous and misleading information’. This, piquantly, will render Mann liable for some of the legal costs of the men he was trying to sue.

    The bigger question now arises: if Mann cannot even be trusted to tell the truth when he’s under oath and in court on pain of perjury, why on earth should any of us take him seriously on the subject of climate change? And why should a man with a track record of cheating and lying ever have been allowed to play such a pivotal role in everything from the future of the global economy to the kind of scaremongering nonsense our children are forced to learn in science and geography classes?

    The hockey stick, let us never forget, was promoted as the last nail in the coffin of climate scepticism. ‘It is hard to overestimate how influential this study has been,’ declared a BBC journalist, and on this rare occasion that BBC journalist was right. The hockey stick was cited frequently in the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report; it was used in support of the Kyoto treaty; it appeared in textbooks; it was quoted by politicians as proof that urgent action needed to be taken.

    Yet all along, the hockey stick theorem was questionable. And you didn’t need to be a scientist, or a statistician, or any kind of ‘expert’ to know this. There were more than enough informed amateurs, such as Canadians Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, offering their erudite, detailed takedowns. Neither Mann nor any of his so-called ‘hockey team’ allies could refute them. All they could ever manage was ad homs (‘I hope you are not fooled by any of the myths about the hockey stick that are perpetrated by contrarians, right-wing thinktanks and fossil fuel industry disinformation,’ spluttered Mann), appeals to authority and indignant pearl-clutching.

    Mann’s hockey stick is still wielded to club critics, but he is revealed as a liar and his dismal legacy – from the wind turbines despoiling your horizon to the net-zero rules killing your business – lives on.

    1. ” And last week, the judge took the unusual step of publicly shredding the moral character of both Mann and his lawyers. They had acted in ‘bad faith’ on multiple occasions, he declared. Worse, the two lead lawyers had ‘each knowingly made a false statement of fact to the court’, while Mann had ‘knowingly participated in the falsehood’ even to the point of using ‘erroneous and misleading information’. This, piquantly, will render Mann liable for some of the legal costs of the men he was trying to sue.”

      That kinda sums up the Climate Change scam right there doesn’t it.

  8. WSJ Opinion – Madness at Columbia Was Your Tax Dollars at Work.

    From unlimited loans for grad students to tax-free municipal bonds, schools are subsidized like crazy.

    Columbia University on Friday surrendered to President Trump’s demands to toughen campus policing and strengthen protections for Jewish students after his administration froze $400 million in federal funds. You might say that Mr. Trump made Columbia an offer it couldn’t refuse.

    Like most colleges, Columbia relies on federal funds and tax exemptions. Such subsidies not only allow colleges to exist; they also fuel campus radicalism by encouraging the growth of graduate programs and academic departments in social sciences and humanities whose primary goals are to promote left-wing political causes rather than scholarship.

    Start with unlimited federal borrowing for graduate students. The Education Department caps the total amount of federal loans undergrads can take out ($31,000 for dependents and $57,500 for others). The loan limit has helped keep a lid on college costs. The net cost of attendance at public and nonprofit colleges after discounts has been flat over the past 15 years.

    Colleges, being the resourceful businesses that they are, have boosted revenue by adding pricey graduate programs and enrolling more graduate students. Brown University in December warned of a $90 million budget hole owing in part to “rapid growth in faculty and staff positions . . . with staff growth outpacing growth in faculty.” One planned budget solution: Doubling the number of residential master’s students.

    Colleges around the country are adding master’s programs in such fields as social work, humanitarian, community-development and Middle Eastern studies—often costing six figures—to rake in more federal dollars. Columbia offers master’s degrees in “negotiation and conflict resolution,” “sustainability management” and “human capital management”—the last being a fancy term for HR. Where were the graduate peacemakers when Columbia needed them?
    Most research universities enroll two to three times as many graduate students as undergrads. The ringleaders of anti-Israel protests have typically been graduate students.

    Momodou Taal, a Cornell University doctoral candidate in Africana Studies whose visa the Trump administration recently revoked, had professed his “hatred of the US empire” and deemed Zionists “chosen for hell.” Cornell twice suspended him for participating in disruptive anti-Israel protests, but last year the union representing graduate students used its collective-bargaining power to ease his punishment and prevent the revocation of his student visa.

    Mahmoud Khalil, the anti-Israel activist who led the Columbia protests and whom the Trump administration also seeks to deport, went to Columbia for a master’s in public administration. All-in cost: $110,000 to $150,000 a year. It’s unclear how either man financed his education since foreigners usually aren’t eligible for federal loans.

    Universities often waive tuition for graduate students in return for their teaching or assisting with undergraduate classes. That means grads can get their degrees partly paid for while helping radicalize undergrads.

    Such in-kind compensation is normally treated as taxable income, but graduate tuition waivers are exempt. When House Republicans proposed eliminating that tax break in 2017, universities howled. Taxing tuition waivers would limit their ability to use grad students to teach classes. Alternatively, they would have to pay grad students to cover their tax liabilities.

    Because of these perverse financial incentives, colleges are producing many graduate degree holders with few marketable skills who then struggle to find gainful employment to repay their six-figure debts. Those with degrees in social sciences and humanities typically seek jobs in academia, but they are competing against graduate students.

    A 2023 report by the Biden Education Department noted that the “net returns of graduate degrees may have fallen over the past 20 years.” The Biden team’s solution was to cancel debt. Colleges have devised their own: Hiring overeducated proletariat as administrators and adding departments.

    Their physical growth is also subsidized by taxpayers. Washington allows private colleges to raise money via tax-exempt municipal bonds, which are typically reserved for government public-works projects. This makes it cheap for colleges to finance new buildings to house new departments and administrative staff as well as housing for faculty, administrators and graduated students.
    Colleges’ borrowing costs are especially low in states with high taxes like New York because their tax-exempt bonds are in high demand from investors seeking to reduce their federal and state tax liabilities. Columbia has issued nearly $1.5 billion in tax-exempt debt since 2002, with most bonds yielding between 1% and 3%.
    Cheap financing has enabled Columbia to become New York City’s largest private landowner. In 2023 it borrowed $275 million at a roughly 2.6% yield—cheaper than Treasury’s borrowing rate—to finance a 34-story apartment building for grad students.

    Thanks to federal tax breaks, Columbia and other elite colleges can borrow at 1% to 3% to finance their expansions while their endowments grow at a rate of 8% a year via nontaxable donations and investment earnings that are taxed at a maximum rate of 1.4%. It’s subsidies all the way down.

    The other reason elite colleges can borrow so cheaply is investors view them as too big to fail because of their substantial federal funding. Mr. Trump is challenging this assumption. And if Republicans in Congress want to curb the radical ideology that has taken over campuses, they need to curb the government subsidies fueling it.

  9. “as she vowed instead to see him in court.”

    Trump DOE opens investigation after Maine gov defies prez on trans athletes — putting $250M in school funds at risk

    By Steven Nelson and Ryan King
    Published Feb. 21, 2025, 3:47 p.m. ET

    WASHINGTON — The Trump administration launched an investigation Friday that could result in Maine schools losing $250 million in annual federal funding, The Post has learned — hours after a fiery clash between Democratic Gov. Janet Mills and President Trump over transgender athletic policies.

    “You better comply! Because otherwise you’re not getting any federal funding,” Trump told Mills during an afternoon White House governor’s summit — as she vowed instead to see him in court.

    University of Maine Complies With Trump Order Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports

    by Calvin Freiburger | Lifesite
    March 24th, 2025 10:12 AM

    (LifeSiteNews) — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the University of Maine System (UMS) will continue to receive federal funding now that it has confirmed it will not permit gender-confused males to participate in sex-specific school athletic competitions against actual females.

    Some humble pie for Democratic Gov. Janet Mills’

    30 Days In The Hole · Humble Pie

  10. Near-miss as SUV ‘drove’ at Musk protesters outside Tesla WPB showroom

    WEST PALM BEACH — Protesters lined up outside the Tesla showroom in President Donald Trump’s home county on Saturday were met by honks, mainly in support.

    Then, a black SUV drove into the crowd of more than 100 protesters. No one was injured, but the near-miss incident underscores the rising tension over the automaker’s CEO, Elon Musk, and his high-profile, and highly controversial, role in the Trump administration.

    The rally, organized by the Democratic Progressive Caucus, was the latest in a series of demonstrations against Musk, his federal budget chainsawing and his Tesla auto company, which has become a flashpoint on the political spectrum.

    Carol Smith, a snowbird from Detroit, held a whiteboard that read “Musk is a rat” as traffic rolled by.

    “I’m extremely worried about our democracy,” Smith said. “Trump doesn’t follow any rules. Musk has no official position. He shouldn’t be anywhere near anything.”

    Smith was there with her sister Valerie, who chose not to give her last name.

    “I hate the fact that we’ve stopped all foreign aid,” Valerie said. “We are such a rich country, we can help ourselves, our citizens and other people. But no, we just want to help the rich.”

    Together, the sisters have participated in about 10 protests in Palm Beach County, advocating for immigrant rights and against Trump at his golf course, when he’s visiting the county.

    “There was a lot of fear today because he’s called people that are at these kinds of demonstrations ‘domestic terrorists,'” Smith said. “It just angered me all the more. How dare he try to intimidate us?”

    1. CNBC — Tesla showroom in Texas targeted with ‘incendiary devices’, police say (3/24/2025):

      “Police said Monday that multiple “incendiary” devices had been placed at a Tesla showroom in Austin, Texas.

      The FBI was assisting Austin Police at the showroom on Monday morning.

      News of the police activity broke as Musk attended a Cabinet meeting at the White House with President Donald Trump.

      The Austin Police Department, in a statement, said that officers responded to the Tesla showroom just after 8 a.m. local time.

      “When officers arrived on scene, they located suspicious devices, and called the APD Bomb Squad to investigate,” the department said. “The devices, which were determined to be incendiary, were taken into police custody without incident.”

  11. Researchers voice concern about risks to scientific research if federal funding scales down

    The Trump administration has frozen funding for some federal grant programs that pay for research at universities. The National Institutes of Health also announced they would be making cuts to medical research.

    So far, 26 grant-funded projects at Virginia Tech have been affected in some way, and 15 have been notified they should pause or stop work, according to spokesman Mark Owczarski.

    “I have three post docs in the lab right now. All of their contracts need to be renewed this year,” said Frank Aylward, an associate professor at Virginia Tech who researches viruses. “So yes, it’s very frightening.”

    “We all want cures for cancers. We all want cures for infectious disease. So widespread cuts to research in these areas is clearly not a good thing,” Alyward said. His lab has been awarded grants by the National Institutes of Health, but he isn’t certain if that funding is affected by cuts.

    Graduate students, who assist with a majority of the research done at Virginia Tech, are also anxious about whether they’ll have a job next year. Ronnie Mondal is president of the Virginia Tech graduate and professional student senate.

    “It’s just weird,” Mondal said. “We don’t know what’s going to happen.” He said in addition to job uncertainty, many graduate students are also asking how changes in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies under the Trump Administration may affect them.

    International students are also watching to see how immigration policies might put their status to study in the United States at risk. Mondal is an international student, and he said he’s monitoring whether he should leave the country to attend a conference.

    ‘We all want cures for cancers. We all want cures for infectious disease’

    Gain of function Frank.

    1. nonsense. This money is just funding jobs, not research. the pace of research has dramatically slowed down since the feds got involved 50 plus years ago. Now they just make stuff up. more than 50% of papers can’t even be reproduced (which means they are frauds). If it’s worth doing, someone should see a need for it and put up money, if not, well it’s probably not worth doing (or at least in that way).

      if they actually cured cancer they would be out of a job, can’t have that.

  12. The Trump administration’s climate policies jeopardize research in disaster-prone Puerto Rico

    Professor Maritza Barreto Orta had planned to complete two federal funding applications crucial for her research on coastal erosion in Puerto Rico. However, these funding opportunities “disappeared” from the websites of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) due to new policies imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump. These policies limit funding for academic research on climate change.

    In line with Trump’s executive orders, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have begun mass cancellations of research grants, cutting funding to active scientific projects that “do not align with the agency’s priorities.” These cuts target studies focused on environmental justice, climate change, transgender populations, gender identity, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as any research perceived as discriminatory based on race or ethnicity, according to a report by Nature magazine in early March.

    Puerto Rico currently has 107 active NIH-funded grants totaling $78.5 million. Of these, 91 (85 percent) are led by University of Puerto Rico (UPR) scientists, while 25 are housed at private institutions, though none of the latter focus on climate and health intersections.

    Barreto Orta acknowledged that “the opportunity to seek more external funding has diminished.”

    “Our last project will conclude in April 2026, and I’m unsure where I’ll be able to submit new proposals to keep the center running, which not only evaluates the state of coastal erosion but also provides mentorship and funding to students,” Barreto Orta explained.

    Studies on renewable energy, agriculture, and planning are also faltering. At the Río Piedras campus, professors Jorge Colón Rivera, from the Chemistry Department, and José Hernández Ayala, from the School of Planning, are also battling the avalanche of restrictions imposed by the federal government.

    Colón Rivera leads research on renewable energy, an essential field for Puerto Rico’s energy future, while Hernández Ayala studies the effects of heat waves on the island’s schools. Both fear their projects will be cut short if they cannot secure grants to continue their studies in the coming years.

    Colón Rivera is part of four active investigations: two with grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and two with RENEW funds from the U.S. Department of Energy, exploring how solar energy can “generate green hydrogen, a clean and renewable fuel.” The four grants total $43.6 million distributed among all institutions collaborating on the studies.

    “We are concerned that there may not be as many programs to fund climate science proposals, and perhaps programs will be eliminated. In the case of renewable energy, we worry that when we renew proposals, we may no longer be attractive for having students from an area of the population that is not the typical one participating in other programs,” he noted.

    The UPR has ongoing research evaluating the environment from various academic perspectives and receiving federal funds from the NIH, NOAA, NSF, USGS, NASA, and CDBG funds awarded by the U.S. Department of Housing, among others.

    At the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus (known as RUM), agricultural economics professor Héctor Tavárez faces the possibility of not being able to access funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for his studies on sustainable and resilient agricultural practices because his work includes the term “climate change,” which contradicts the public policy decreed by Trump.

    “Many of the proposals we fill out are to directly or indirectly address climate change. We are quite concerned that in the future, they will tell us: ‘no, this proposal is not authorized’ or ‘this proposal is not a priority.’ When just a year ago, it was precisely the type of proposal with the highest priority for the [federal] government,” he said.

  13. Poland Sees Record Low Power Prices as Renewable Output Grows

    Poland saw record low electricity prices over the weekend due to abundant supply from the growing number of solar panels and wind farms, demonstrating the challenges posed by intermittent sources to the stabilization of the country’s grid.

    Prices of day-ahead contracts for March 22 reached minus 429 zloty (-$111) per megawatt-hour at the midday fixing, when production from renewable sources peaked amid sunny and windy weather, Polish Power Exchange data show. The price went fell below previous record negative levels seen last summer.

    Poland saw negative electricity prices for the first time in June 2023. The boom in household and commercial-size solar panels has boosted the capacity of photovoltaic installations to almost 22 gigawatts currently. Together with 11 gigawatts of wind farms, renewable producers compete with coal plants that need to be kept running to provide electricity during the night.

    To avoid oversupply, state grid operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA imposed a temporary halt in production at solar and wind installations with total capacity of over 2 gigawatts on Sunday, reaching for special rules already used several times this year. In 2024, such suspensions were most frequent during the summer.

  14. China’s Energy Transition at Odds With Solar Glut, Cheap Power

    The green energy transition in China is at a critical juncture, as oversupply in the solar sector, declining power prices, and continued reliance on fossil fuels threaten to derail progress.

    It’s uncertain whether existing infrastructure can support the surge in wind and solar, said Yong Zhao, president of the Energy Research Institute at China Huaneng Group, a major electricity supplier. “We are in uncharted territory for the power transition,” he said.

    The decades-long boom in clean energy is straining the grid, and cuts in output of solar equipment are “too late and too little” to end the industry’s slump this year, said BNEF analyst Youru Tan. BNEF now expects a longer trough in prices rather than a V-shaped recovery, he said, pointing to a failure to eliminate smaller, inefficient factories.

    China is still expected to keep installing renewables at pace, with annual additions of around 300 gigawatts over the next decade, said Zhongying Wang, a senior researcher at a government-affiliated think tank. That would help deliver over 9,000 gigawatts by 2060, President Xi Jinping’s net zero deadline, which would be six times current levels.

    But such a rapid expansion will require massive investment in long-distance transmission lines, energy storage, and flexible peak-loading to make up for clean energy’s intermittency.

    “Coal and gas remain the most accessible balancing tools for grid stability,” said Huaneng’s Zhao.

    The deluge of solar power has thrust electricity prices into negative territory in regions with liberalized energy markets, which bodes ill for the economics of further expansion.

    To maximize the impact of the fiscal stimulus announced at the National People’s Congress, China must front-load spending in 2025 — breaking an old habit that’s hard on the economy, said Bloomberg Economics.

    A proposed US trade measure to impose million-dollar levies on Chinese ships docking in the US risks a ‘Trade Apocalypse.’

    1. I’m still waiting for residential solar to be cheap. I keep hearing anecdotes of people paying $40K or more for an installation.

      1. My father in SoCal did not pay for his solar panels, rather a company owns and installed them. His monthly bills are dirt cheap now, under $10 most months, but he lost the right to sell any excess back to the grid. Seems like a pretty great deal unless the company goes bankrupt in the future and you need to get them fixed.

        1. I don’t see how that pencils out for the firm. What if there is never any surplus juice? Or is your father contractually limited to how much power he can use?

  15. Canadian PM Carney calls for snap election, says Trump ‘wants to break us so America can own us.’

    Canada’s Prime Minister Mark Carney on Sunday called for a snap election at the end of next month, in order to ward off the twin threats of tariffs and annexation coming from US President Donald Trump, Reuters reported. Carney, who was sworn in as prime minister on March 14, took a more aggressive stance in Sunday’s remarks toward the American president. Trump seems fixated on making Canada the 51st US state, an idea Canadians have roundly rejected.

    “We are facing the most significant crisis of our lifetimes because of President Trump’s unjustified trade actions and his threats to our sovereignty,” Carney told reporters after the Governor General — the personal representative of King Charles, Canada’s head of state — approved his request for an election.

    “Our response must be to build a strong economy and a more secure Canada. President Trump claims that Canada isn’t a real country. He wants to break us so America can own us. We will not let that happen.”

    1. The Liberal Party sees an early election as their best chance of staying in power, hoping that they can paint themselves as patriots who will oppose the USA.

      1. Get the election done while Trump hysteria is still hot, and before the rubes get to know the candidate.

        Carney just got a “riding” handed to him, without an election. Now he’s an MP.

  16. Mark Carney turns the page on Justin Trudeau’s postnational Canada

    It may have been just a coincidence that Prime Minister Mark Carney named a new Minister of Canadian Culture and Identity the same week that Hudson’s Bay Co. went belly-up. But such synchronicity does move one to ponder the very meaning of Canada, does it not?

    And none too soon. With the country’s sovereignty under threat amid a rapidly changing world order unleashed by political forces (and farces) beyond its control, it does seem urgent that our government reassert and promote what makes us Canadian in the first place.

    Our previous prime minister began his first term in office, in 2015, by declaring Canada the world’s “first postnational state” with “no core identity.” He seemed to conceive of our country’s history as not much more than a collection of past injustices that, thanks to his enlightened leadership, we could atone for by embracing our postnational nirvana.

    In truth, the postnational concept was always a load of tripe. In January, after Donald Trump began trolling him and calling him the “governor” of a future 51st U.S. state, Justin Trudeau went on CNN to defend our independence. “That’s not going to happen. Canadians are incredibly proud of being Canadian,” he insisted. “One of the ways we define ourselves most easily is, ‘Well, we’re not American.’ ”

    No wonder The Bay is going under. If being Canadian only means not being American, then what is the point? If our prime minister cannot articulate a stronger case for our continued existence as a sovereign country, then what hope do we have of surviving as one?

    Mr. Carney seems to get it. “The ceremony we just witnessed reflects the wonder of a country built on the bedrock of three peoples: Indigenous, French, British,” he said after being sworn in on Mar. 14. “The office of Governor-General links us through the Crown and across time to Canada’s proud British heritage …Our bilingual identity makes us unique. And the French language enriches our culture.”

    Of course, it will take more than replacing the words “Canadian Heritage” with “Canadian Culture and Identity” in a ministerial title for Mr. Carney to prove he is an uninhibited Canadian nationalist willing to challenge those who disparage our history and our (yes, flawed) heroes, all while encouraging a respectful dialogue about our past and future.

    Still, Mr. Carney does appear to have turned the page on postnational Canada – an entity which, it must be said, only ever existed in our ex-PM’s imagination. In this respect Mr. Carney has more in common with Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, a stalwart defender of Canadian symbols and all things John A. Macdonald. They are both post-postnationalists.

    1. and promote what makes us Canadian in the first place

      Importing more and more foreigners until you become the next South Africa and heritage Canadians have no choice but to flee to the United States??

  17. Michael Higgins: Liberals broke Canada long before Trump’s trade war

    This election isn’t about Mark Carney, Pierre Poilievre, or even Donald Trump. It’s about trust. Can the Liberals be trusted to do the things necessary to put Canada first?

    Or put another way: Who is gullible enough to vote for the Liberals (for a fourth time!) believing they will change their over-spending and under-investing ways?

    Trump is going to be a pain in the derriere for the next four years and whoever is prime minister is going to have a hard job dealing with him.

    But the threat to Canada is from within, it’s the harm we have done to ourselves and will continue to do. It’s about how after almost ten years of Liberal misrule we have left ourselves vulnerable to Trump’s policies.

    It wasn’t the Barbarians at the Gates that destroyed Rome, it was Rome itself.

    We are at the economic mercy of the U.S. president because we have not invested in ourselves, we have not innovated in the ways we needed and we have not built the infrastructure required.

    And it has been the active Liberal policy for nine years not to do any of those things.

    If the Liberals are so proud of their record why are they trying to undo it at a rate so fast it’s in danger of giving Carney a nosebleed?

    After visiting the Governor General Sunday to initiate a federal election, Carney made sure to put distance between himself and the Trudeau years.

    Carney’s first comment at a press conference was that urgent action was needed “to fix our economy.”

    Why? Because it has been so appallingly mismanaged under the Trudeau Liberals. Yet we are to believe it will be different under the Carney Liberals. Who is being fooled here?

    When the Liberals are in power they will ram unpopular policy down people’s throats, it is only the danger of losing their jobs that causes them to “listen” to the people.

    The prime minister continued, “We reversed the increase in the capital gains tax.”

    This was the tax that François-Philippe Champagne, as minister of innovation, defended in the House of Commons in June 2024, by saying, “The changes to capital gains will allow us to reinvest in the economy, reinvest in our workers and reinvest in housing.”

    It was the same Champagne, now minister of finance, who only days ago, tweeted , “By canceling the capital gains tax hike, we’re supporting builders, small businesses, and entrepreneurs.”

    To which one can only say: Make up your damn mind.

    Carney also promised to unlock investment. But at the risk of becoming tiresome, why didn’t this happen in the last nine years? Instead, the Liberals gave us Bill C-69, the anti-pipelines bill, which helped to all but crush investment and infrastructure projects and led to higher costs and lengthy delays.

    Pipelines would have given Canada an east and a west energy-outlet option. When the Liberals, either directly or indirectly through regulation, blocked such infrastructure projects, Canada was left with only a south option leaving us open to Trump’s tactics.

    “We are facing the most significant crisis of our lifetimes because of President Trump’s unjustified trade actions and his threats to our sovereignty,” said Carney Sunday.

    Another way of looking at it is that Liberal policies have so hampered our economic development that we left ourselves open to an attack from the U.S.

    On Sunday, Carney pledged a new tax cut for the middle classes — it wouldn’t be an election without an election bribe.

    Why was it needed? Because too many people are “struggling to pay the rent, to put groceries on the table, and to save for their kids’ educations,” said Carney

    These are the issues that matter to Canadians and they weren’t caused by Trump but because of a decade of failed Liberal policies.

    The Liberals can be trusted to say anything when it suits them. Beyond that, they can’t be trusted.

    1. Who is gullible enough to vote for the Liberals (for a fourth time!) believing they will change their over-spending and under-investing ways?

      That is the question. Carney has no doubt called for a snap election because he thinks they might be able to pull the wool over enough Canadian’s eyes one more time

  18. Denmark’s defense committee head said he regrets choosing the F-35: ‘We must avoid American weapons if at all possible’

    The chairman of Denmark’s parliamentary defense committee said he regrets choosing the F-35 for his country, citing fears that the US may threaten to cease support for the fighter.

    “As one of the decision-makers behind Denmark’s purchase of F-35s, I regret it,” Rasmus Jarlov, a member of parliament for the center-right Conservative People’s Party, wrote on social media on Wednesday.

    Jarlov was addressing rumors that the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II may have a “kill-switch” that allows Washington to remotely disable F-35s purchased by US allies.

    The Pentagon said on Tuesday that the stealth fighter does not have such a feature.

    But the Danish MP isn’t convinced. “We obviously cannot take your word for it,” Jarlov wrote in his post.

    He added that the US could scupper Copenhagen’s use of the F-35 just by stopping the supply of spare parts — a similar dilemma that Ukraine faced when Washington temporarily paused military aid.

    “I can easily imagine a situation where the USA will demand Greenland from Denmark and will threaten to deactivate our weapons and let Russia attack us when we refuse,” wrote Jarlov, who is also his party’s spokesperson for his stance on Greenland’s affairs.

    Jarlov further accused the US of wanting “to strengthen Russia and weaken Europa.”

    “Therefore, buying American weapons is a security risk that we cannot run. We will make enormous investments in air defense, fighter jets, artillery, and other weapons in the coming years, and we must avoid American weapons if at all possible,” he said.

    “I encourage our friends and allies to do the same,” Jarlov added.

    1. Therefore, buying American weapons is a security risk that we cannot run.

      I’m sure the Russians or the Chicoms will be happy to supply you with arms. I also suppose that you bought F-35s because there is no European equivalent.

      Maybe DJT will take them off your hands, if you price them right.

      1. that’s wrong. that’s part of a very long standing agreement. Europeans didn’t’ buy because, oh, us is soo much smarter, but because they were compelled to. it was part of an military and economical agreement among allies. we do this, you do that. we allow you to export your products in the us, you buy arms from the us. but that’s changing. like I said, the technological advancements in the US after the war war based on a lot of European input, and was and the status quo was enforced by the US military presence in Europe, or do you believe those were there just for. hard to develop your technology when you have guys with shotguns at you back watching every step you take. get your facts straight! Leave the arrogance. it’s out of place.

          1. Arrogance is expecting us to run $2-3T deficits and to pay for everything.
            I don’t see how our deficit can NOT end in a cluster. I watch the FL Condos and all the old broke losers and think a similar fate, maybe worse, is gonna happen to the entire country because of the debt.

  19. Sacramento’s homeless community braces for a hot summer, looking for shade and water

    When Sacramento temperatures start to hit triple digits, Shawna Chapman finds a little relief by placing silver emergency blankets over her blue tent for shade.

    But recently she lost those blankets when the city cleared her encampment along X Street, she said.

    With temperatures set to hit 80 degrees Monday, she’s bracing for her seventh Sacramento summer on the streets. This one could be extra dangerous for her as she was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure and suffered a stroke.

    “They should help us do more to get water and shade,” Chapman said. “They say you can’t be under bridges, but that’s shade.”

    Sacramento County had delivered water to encampments since 2020, but stopped June 30 after the federal COVID-related grant ended. However, Sacramento County spokeswoman Kim Nava said a stockpile of water is still available for cities to pick up and distribute to encampments this summer, if they choose.

  20. San Jose mayor and county clash over homelessness crackdown

    San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan wants Santa Clara County to scale up shelter and health treatment options in response to the city’s renewed crackdown on homelessness.

    During Tuesday’s City Council discussion on Mayor Matt Mahan’s 2025-26 March budget message, Councilmembers David Cohen and Domingo Candelas sought to involve county officials in the mayor’s “Responsibility to Shelter” initiative — which would allow for police to arrest homeless residents who refuse shelter after three attempts within 18 months. But county officials continue to scoff at the city’s plan to increase the detainment of homeless residents, leaving San Jose with an uphill battle in putting Mahan’s initiative to work.

    Following council’s approval of his budget message, Mahan said the county needs to align its resources with his plan.

    “For those who are unable or unwilling to accept (shelter) there’s often a more serious underlying behavioral health issue, and that’s where we need our partners at the county to lean in,” he said Wednesday.

    Mahan told San José Spotlight residents with overwhelming complaints about street homelessness blame him and other city leaders, often unaware who represents them in the county.

    “There’s no intention of criminalization,” he said. “But we have to get this person into the care of the county and make sure the county knows who they are and that they have a responsibility for getting that person indoors one way or another.”

  21. An O.C. couple’s deportation is part of a trend, advocates say

    Nelson and Gladys Gonzalez lived in the United States illegally for decades, working hard and raising a family while regularly checking in with Immigration Customs and Enforcement as part of an agreement to remain in the country.

    But when the Laguna Niguel couple showed up for a routine check-in on Feb. 21, they were detained and sent back to Colombia, according to the family’s GoFundMe page and a spokesperson for ICE.

    The couple’s sudden deportation stunned their three adult daughters, who are American citizens.

    “They have never broken the law, never missed an appointment and this sudden occurrence has left us in shock,” they wrote on the fundraising site. “This cruel and unjust situation has shattered our family emotionally and financially.“

    The ICE spokesperson confirmed that the couple had been given a final order for removal, and that they had no criminal history.

    Advocates say the couple’s case is part of a troubling trend: immigrants living in the country without legal authorization, who have no criminal history, being detained during routine check-ins and in some cases deported.

    Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights, said she knows of similar cases in Chicago, Texas and Florida, among other locations.

    Immigration officials “need that optic, which is extremely cruel for the people being detained and deported,” Salas said. “The majority of people have not violated the law and even if they did it’s for low-level things that really doesn’t merit the punishment for the crime they’ve committed.”

    NBC 4 reported last week that Esmerlyn de Jesus Peralta, 29, an asylum seeker from the Dominican Republic living in Santa Ana, was detained and is facing deportation after showing up to what he believed was a routine check-in with immigration officials.

    “I was shocked because he has no criminal record, he had his valid work permit, his Social Security number, he has got a life here,” the man’s girlfriend, Ashely Wang, told the news station.

    When the Gonzalezes were detained in February, their three daughters — Stephanie, Jessica and Gabby — created the GoFundMe page to raise money for their parents’ legal costs and to help them rebuild their lives in Colombia. The trio raised about $62,000.

    Stephanie Gonzalez, 27, who is listed as the contact for the fundraiser, could not be reached for comment.

    According to a statement from ICE, the married couple entered the country illegally in November 1989 near San Ysidro, Calif. The agency did not say under what program the couple were allowed to stay.

    Immigration officials said Nelson Gonzalez, 59, applied for asylum in 1992 but that his case was closed in June 1998, when he failed to attend an interview. In the summer of 1998, an immigration judge also found that Gladys Gonzalez, 55, had no legal basis to stay.

    The pair appeared before an immigration judge in March 2000 and agreed to leave the country but instead they sought an appeal for each of their cases. ICE officials did not say if they were allowed to stay while they waited for their appeals to be heard.

    That process finally ended in 2021, and on Feb. 21 they were detained while a final order of removal was being processed, according to ICE. Several weeks later, they were put on a plane back to their native country.

    Stephanie Gonzalez said her parents were relieved to be free but were still processing the ordeal.

    At least two of the sisters said they plan to travel to Colombia to see their parents soon, while a third sister plans to travel next month.

    1. Nelson and Gladys Gonzalez lived in the United States illegally for decades, working hard and raising a family while regularly checking in with Immigration Customs and Enforcement as part of an agreement to remain in the country.

      Why was this being done in the first place? They should have been sent home a long time ago.

      But when the Laguna Niguel couple showed up for a routine check-in on Feb. 21, they were detained and sent back to Colombia.

      A pretty ritzy address for illegals, the average household income is $191,269, per google.

      1. A lot of lefties insist that not only do illegals have a right to be here, but that we are lucky to have them.

    2. They have never broken the law, never missed an appointment and this sudden occurrence has left us in shock,

      …but that his case was closed in June 1998, when he failed to attend an interview

      The pair appeared before an immigration judge in March 2000 and agreed to leave the country

      Lies and surprises!

      1. A lot of inconvenient truths.

        Also, the article mentions that they live in Laguna Niguel, which implies they are upper middle class. I would think at their age they should have a nice positive net worth, with which they could fund their life in Colombia. Also mentioned is that he has a SSN, meaning he could start collecting benefits in a few years, even if he lives in Colombia. Plus their daughters raised 60 grand on gofundme for them.

    3. “The couple’s sudden deportation stunned their three adult daughters, who are American citizens.”

      Anchor babies not anchoring.

    1. I’ve come across her. She’s outspoken about the Deep State, but IIRC she has another phrase for it.

      1. Her wiki page cites many accomplishments, but I guess she got too close to the top, connected the proverbial dots and found herself attacked legally.

  22. The MSM is taking the ball and running with this.

    Trump national security team messaged plans for Yemen strikes to Atlantic editor in chief in stunning breach

    By Samuel Chamberlain, Ryan King, Steven Nelson and Diana Glebova
    Published March 24, 2025

    WASHINGTON — The Atlantic magazine’s editor in chief was included on a message chain in which top Trump administration officials — including Vice President JD Vance, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth and national security adviser Mike Waltz — discussed recent strikes against the Houthi terror group in Yemen, in a stunning breach of national security.

    Jeffrey Goldberg revealed the jaw-dropping mishap Monday, writing he connected with Waltz on Signal March 11 and was invited to join a chain called the “Houthi PC small group” two days later — before receiving a stream of internal deliberations and operational details.

    1. Any message being sent outside of a *.gov domain should have been flagged for review and require a cautionary approval prompt.

  23. Cartels’ Advanced Technology a Growing Threat to US

    Ammon Blair, intelligence consultant and senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Secure & Sovereign Texas Initiative, said the cartels have military-grade weapons and equipment, including advanced surveillance technology.

    Their technical abilities have grown to include undetectable drones, military-grade encryption built into their own cellular networks, and access to an Israeli Pegasus spy system that can break into any cellphone undetected, Blair said.

    According to Blair, some cartels have shown signs of joining forces to counter U.S. pressure, creating super cartel networks in hopes of surviving the next four years.

    “What we’re seeing is cartels consolidate,” he said.

    He gave the example of cooperation between Gulf Cartel factions such as the Metros and Scorpions, although other groups continue to battle for territory.

    Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond agreed.

    “What we’ve observed is that coordination between cartels,” he said. “This is dangerous business.”

    Drummond told The Epoch Times that Oklahoma has become a hotbed for cartels because of its proximity to the Texas border with Mexico and because Oklahoma legalized medical marijuana in 2018.

    The intense law enforcement presence in Texas led the cartels to seek Oklahoma as a haven, leading some—such as the Sinaloa Cartel—to put down roots, he said.

    About 37 cartels and criminal groups from countries all over the world, including China, are operating in Oklahoma, according to Drummond.

    “It became a fertile ground for the Mexicans, in concert with the Chinese syndicated crime organizations, to work together in Oklahoma,” he said.

    Law enforcement in his state has discovered “kingpin” Chinese nationals working with Mexican cartels to distribute drugs.

    He said law enforcement has intercepted information indicating that China’s ruling communist regime has recruited indigent Chinese and put them on ships sailing from Fujian, a coastal Chinese province known for mafias and immigration corruption, to the Sinaloa coast in Mexico.

    Sinaloa Cartel members then move the Chinese nationals, carrying fentanyl precursor chemicals, across the southwest border into Oklahoma, where they are absorbed into mafia-led criminal operations, he said.

    Drummond said law enforcement occasionally finds Chinese nationals running criminal operations in Oklahoma, with Sinaloa Cartel members working under them to produce fentanyl, distribute black market marijuana, and traffic people.

    In 2024, Chen Wu, a Chinese national, was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of four fellow Chinese nationals at an illicit Oklahoma marijuana farm.

    The facility where the four Chinese worked was operating under an illegally-obtained license to grow marijuana for medical purposes.

    Prosecutors said Wu demanded the return of his $300,000 investment in the marijuana operation shortly before shooting and killing the four workers.

    During a July 2022 hearing on the proliferation of spyware before the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, cybersecurity expert John Scott-Railton testified that cartels had access to Pegasus spyware.

    Unlike most malware, which requires the user to click on a link or download a suspicious file, Pegasus can infiltrate devices without any user action, often referred to as a “zero-click” attack.

    Simply receiving a phone message can compromise a phone. Pegasus exploits vulnerabilities in common apps such as iMessage, WhatsApp, and others to penetrate the phone’s data without the user ever knowing.

    Scott-Railton, senior researcher at The Citizen Lab based at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, told lawmakers that Mexican journalists killed in cartel hits had been targeted using Pegasus.

    Less than 20 years ago, only a relatively small set of states could engage in sophisticated, invisible-to-the-target hacking of phones and computers at nearly any scale, he said.

    That is no longer the case.

    “We documented the targeting of Javier Valdez, a journalist who wrote about drug trafficking and crime in Mexico and who was killed in a cartel slaying,” Scott-Railton said. “Both Valdez’s colleagues and wife were infected [by Pegasus spyware] shortly after the hit.

    “Meanwhile, the phone number of Mexican journalist Cecilio Pineda Birto was selected for possible targeting with Pegasus by a Mexican Pegasus client in the weeks prior to his killing by cartel hitmen.”

  24. ‘In Sarasota County, there was a slight decline in the median sales price for single-family homes’

    The same UHS just said it was off 100k. These people are dogs.

  25. ‘At its peak, Vision & Beyond is believed to have owned hundreds of millions of dollars in residential property, including more than 60 properties in Cincinnati’

    I can remember when such an amount of fraud may have been mentioned by some one other than NPR.

    ‘Those investors allege in lawsuits that Grinberg and Gizunterman engaged in a complex scheme that involved fraudulently transferring properties away from the investors and then mortgaging them for roughly $36 million. The filing by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service seeking an arrest warrant against Grinberg in U.S. District Court alleges he and Gizunterman used a variety of fraudulent means to obtain loans and forestalling foreclosure on them, including misrepresenting how much rent they were collecting, mortgaging properties with multiple lenders at the same time, obtaining false documentation regarding payoff of mortgages, hiding who had ownership interest in the properties, how much the properties would sell for, and so forth’

    That’s sound lending of of course. One thing that interests me about these kind of schemes is, they had to know they would be caught. You aren’t going to get away with falsifying, deceiving, and not paying the mortgage for very long with real estate.

  26. ‘Not much,’ she said, adding that applying to small claims court doesn’t seem worth it. ‘I’d be wasting my time, because even if I get the bloody order, I can’t collect from him’…Meanwhile, Taddeo and Natale are still without any rental income from the apartment, and as a result may need to make changes to their lifestyle. ‘What can we do? We need to stretch the budget,’ Taddeo said. ‘It hurts. It hurts a lot’…‘The best thing is not to rent anymore, especially in the same house,’ she said. ‘I know the rent is helpful, but it’s not worth it’

    Michelle, I know it may not be right today. Maybe not even tomorrow. But one day you’ll see, you and Tony are winnahs!

    1. “The “Golden Rule of pregnancy” has remained unchanged throughout millennia: Novel and/or potentially harmful substances are never used when new human life is being formed and nurtured within the womb.”

      The opening sentence.

    2. I remember when they demanded that pregnant women take the jab is when I realized, beyond any doubt, that the people pushing the jab were evil and possibly satanic.

    1. A recession may be coming. It’s not too late to prepare.
      Daniel de Visé

      If the United States is about to enter a recession, as some economists fear, it will be one of the most widely anticipated downturns in recent memory.

      Americans have had lots of time to prepare. But are we ready?

      First, some background: Three years ago, as the economy recovered from the brief COVID-19 recession, economists were already talking about another downturn. Russia had invaded Ukraine. Inflation was spiking. Interest rates were rising.

      Months passed, no recession arrived, and hope dawned that perhaps the United States would achieve a “soft landing,” meaning no recession.

      Now, recession fears have returned. President Trump’s campaign of import tariffs, among other factors, has shaken consumer confidence and spooked the stock market.

      A March CNBC Fed Survey put the probability of recession at 36%, up from 23% in January. J.P. Morgan’s chief economist put the odds at 40%.

      Recession or no, the U.S. economy has hit a “slow patch,” said Veronica Willis, global investment strategist at Wells Fargo Investment Institute.

      Whether you are a cash-poor consumer or a top 1% earner, here are some steps you can take to protect your finances.

      Rid yourself of high-interest debt

      Paying off credit card debt is easier said than done, especially in a downturn.

      Credit cards are keeping Americans afloat like never before. As the economy worsens, dragging down retirement portfolios and salaries, consumers appear to be turning more than ever before to credit cards to pay for basic necessities.

      If you have the resources, however, this would be an ideal time to get serious about reducing high-interest debt. The average credit card interest rate is a whopping 24.2%, according to LendingTree.

      To make a dent in your debt, financial planners say, you’ll need to do more than make the minimum monthly payment: double it, add $100, or pay a percentage of your income.

      If you’re strapped for cash, transfer the debt to another loan with a lower interest rate.

      If you have good credit, consider a zero-APR credit card. You will pay no interest for 15, 18 or 21 months. Every dollar you pay reduces your debt.

      Alternatively, transfer the balance to a home equity line of credit, or even a personal loan. You might pay 8%, 10% or 12% interest. That’s better than 24%.

      With card rates ranging so high, dealing with that debt arguably outweighs any other financial goal — including savings.

      For people with card debt, “usually it doesn’t make sense to build up the savings, because the interest rate that you’re getting on that savings is a lot lower than the interest you’ll be paying on the debt,” said Sean Higgins, an associate professor of finance at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

      Shore up your savings

      If you are free of card debt, this is a good time to take stock of your savings.

      Many finance experts say Americans should stockpile enough emergency savings to cover three to six months of expenses: roughly $33,000, on average, according to Investopedia.

      Emergency savings exists for times like these, when workers are worried about their jobs. Yet, 27% of Americans have no emergency savings, Bankrate reports.

      “Of course it’s easier to save when times are good than when you lose your job,” said Meir Statman, an author and finance professor at Santa Clara University.

      Few American households can quickly amass $33,000 in savings, especially when times are tough.

      Instead, consider more modest goals: Contribute a set amount of monthly income to emergency savings. Put the money in a high-yield savings account. Think hard before you raid the account for anything short of an actual emergency.

      Plan ahead for major expenses

      Now is not necessarily the time to cancel your European vacation.

      “That would be, to my mind, an overreaction,” Statman said. “People need to live. People need to have fun.”

      Even so, it might be a good idea to plan ahead for that vacation, or for any large, unexpected expense. Set aside money now so you don’t drain your savings when the expense arrives.

      “You have to be thinking, ‘Am I going to need a new car in the next few years? Do I have the cash set aside for that car?’” said Timothy McGrath, a certified financial planner in Chicago.

      Don’t sell low

      It’s the classic investor’s dilemma: Stock prices have been sinking, but you don’t want to sell when they’re down.

      If you’re a retirement saver, years away from retiring, then “the fact that the stock market is down 7 or 10% now isn’t so concerning,” Higgins said. Stocks will eventually rebound.

      If anything, the current climate might be “a great time to buy stocks, because you’re getting them at a discount,” said Willis of Wells Fargo. When the market recovers, your portfolio will be worth more than ever.

      It’s harder to avoid “selling low” if you are already retired and drawing down your savings.

      You “do not want to be withdrawing from an aggressive portfolio during a recession,” said Seth Mullikin, a certified financial planner in Charlotte, North Carolina.

      Ideally, retirees have less exposure to stocks. Experts say they should look for ways to cover their expenses without selling devalued stock shares.

      Diversify your portfolio

      When the stock market seesaws, investors are reminded of the value of “diversifying,” balancing riskier stocks with less volatile bonds and other fixed-income alternatives.

      But it’s not so easy to diversify when the stock market is already in disarray.

      “It’s too late to start thinking of pulling out of equities, because you’ve already seen that downturn,” Willis said.

      Nonetheless, you may find opportunities to diversify in a shaky market.

      “The good thing is that market volatility isn’t only in one direction,” Willis said. “You get days when the market is up.”

      Take a look at your mix of stocks and bonds. The big market gains of 2023 and 2024 may have left you with a higher allocation of stocks than you want. If so, look for opportunities to sell stocks when prices are high, and reinvest those dollars in bonds.

      Alternately, you could just sit back and wait until the market stabilizes. It’s easier to diversify when stocks are high.

      “The point is, the recession,” if there is one, “will be temporary,” Higgins said.

      1. “Credit cards are keeping Americans afloat like never before. As the economy worsens, dragging down retirement portfolios and salaries, consumers appear to be turning more than ever before to credit cards to pay for basic necessities.”

        No mention of the dreaded, “Universal Default Clause.”

    2. Yahoo Finance
      Wells Fargo says home sales aren’t far off from levels seen in the wake of the Great Recession
      The housing market is frozen.
      · Fortune · Photo illustration by Fortune; Original photos by Getty Images
      Alena Botros
      Mon, March 24, 2025 at 10:06 AM PDT 4 min read

      Home sales are barely above the pace experienced in the years that followed the housing crash. This time around, it’s because would-be buyers can’t afford the one-two punch of high home prices and high mortgage rates, and sellers can’t afford to lose their low rates.

      Not a lot of people are buying or selling homes at the moment.

      In January, total home sales came in at 4.7 million. That level is “only modestly above the weak rate experienced in the wake of the Great Recession between 2008 and 2010,” Wells Fargo economists wrote in a recent research note. January is the latest data available for both new and existing home sales. In the years before the pandemic, that total sales figure tended to hover around 6 million. During the pandemic housing boom, it was even greater.

      The current economy doesn’t resemble that of the financial crisis, but there are a couple things happening in the housing world that can explain this conundrum. Home prices soared throughout the pandemic and mortgage rates followed once the Federal Reserve entered a tightening cycle to tame scorching-hot inflation. The combination of high home prices and high mortgage rates hurts demand, so fewer people are buying homes because they cannot afford them. On the other hand, some who own a home and either secured a low mortgage rate during the pandemic or are mortgage-free aren’t selling; the phenomenon referred to as the lock-in effect only exacerbates an existing shortfall of homes due to decades worth of underbuilding.

      “The tepid pace of home sales can not be blamed on a recession,” Wells Fargo economists wrote. “Rather, the main factor weighing on residential activity continues to be adverse affordability conditions. In addition to high mortgage rates, home prices continue to rise.”

      Home prices are no longer experiencing double-digit increases, and mortgage rates have eased but not enough to reverse the last five years. Since February 2020, home prices have increased 45%, and the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is 6.67%; in Feb. 2020, mortgage rates were 3%. The country is still short almost four million homes, too.

      “A meaningful improvement in the adverse affordability conditions which persist currently seems unlikely given the elevated rate environment and structural shortfall of available homes keeping home prices on an upward trajectory,” Wells Fargo senior economist Charlie Dougherty told Fortune in an email. “Given affordability will remain extremely unfavorable for most buyers, the pace of home sales is expected to remain weak and not far from the low levels hit in the aftermath of the financial crisis.”

      1. “A meaningful improvement in the adverse affordability conditions which persist currently seems unlikely given the elevated rate environment and structural shortfall of available homes keeping home prices on an upward trajectory,” Wells Fargo senior economist Charlie Dougherty told Fortune in an email.

        The Freddie and Fannie program to prevent foreclosures coming to market by simply moving missed payments to the back end of the mortgage seems to be working, right Charlie?

          1. Trump’s deflation will be substantial

            Cutting $1Tr from government spending will collapse GDP. This will be hilarious.

          2. Chris Whalen: “…look at American Express,,, they never skipped a beat. I love those guys! And by the way, they don’t own any mortgage backed securities…” [Cheshire Cat grin,,, followed by LOL]

            I could listen to Chris all day long. Thanks!


          I’ve been 🤔a lot about this…MBS are critical as collateral across the world

          What happens if the drama at FHFA shakes the confidence in the MBS market?

          Or this? 👇

          Probably a bit more complicated than explained here due to how they are utilized for liquidity, but…

          Per IMF
          A Trade War Involving Agency MBS?

          Perhaps the White House – in planning its tariff
          barrage – didn’t see this one coming: that China and
          Japan, combined holders of $473.7 billion of agency
          MBS, might start dumping their holdings in protest of
          what they view as unfriendly Trump administration
          trade policies against them.

          Not to be forgotten. Canada holds $156.0 billion of
          agency product. And just for the record, Taiwan (a top
          U.S. ally) owns $192.0 billion, though that country
          doesn’t seem to be complaining. at least not yet.

          The figures are as of June 30, 2024, and were culled
          by Inside MBS & ABS from Treasury Department
          data. In short, these sovereigns rank first, second,
          fourth and third among nations as investors in U.S.
          MBS. If they decide to sell their holdings in a
          coordinated fashion, it could result in mortgage rates
          shooting up even higher.

          In a recent report, BTIG analysts Eric Hagen and Jake
          Katsikas said they’ve been fielding “hypothetical
          questions” from clients on whether China and/or
          Japan might “retaliate to tariffs by selling their
          stockpiles” of Fannie Ma, Freddie Mac and Ginnie
          Mae MBS.

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